Title: Ace of Wands
calyxessType: Art
Main Character or Pairing: Tom Riddle
Card: Ace of Wands
Card Interpretation: Hmm, it's a bit of a mix between "Creation, invention, enterprise, the powers which result in these." and "This is the spark that starts the fire, and
though it cannot tell us whether the fire will burn brightly or fizzle out,
its power remains." Mostly it's all about Tom's power and knowledge. It doesn't matter how he'll use it, just that he does posses it. :B
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine. Character belongs to JK Rowling.
Warnings: None
Artist Notes: Hee, I had much fun with this, I hope you all like it! :D Also, sorry I was rather late. D: RL caught up with me.