HP Tarot Entry: "Eight of Swords"

Mar 30, 2007 18:47

Title: Eight of Swords
Author: soramame_kun
Type: Art
Length: Tarot-Card Sized ;)
Main character or Pairing: Harry/Draco
Card: Eight of Swords
Card Interpretation: Bad news, violent chagrin, power in trammels, conflict, calumny
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The concept of Harry Potter is the property of Bloomsbury and JK Rowling. But it's my drawing.
Warnings: Violence.
Summary: Ouch.
Author Notes: Whew, I did not miss the deadline!


Click here for the full card and ramble.

card: eight of swords, r, harry/draco, round 1, art, by: soramame_kun

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