Title: Contentment
mudblood428Type: Art - Graphite Pencil
Main Character or Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Card: Ten of Cups
Card Interpretation: (From claim table) "Contentment, repose of the entire heart; the perfection of that state; also perfection of human love and friendship."
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me except the paper.
Summary: Voldemort now gone, Harry returns triumphant to the Burrow where reside his friends and family, free at last to be together with Ginny.
Artist's Notes: I saw a lot of interpretations of this card that included a rainbow, but rather than go the uber-colorful route, I chose graphite, as I think the simplicity of black on white conveys that pure state of "all is right with the world" better than if I'd used a wide palette. Like if I'd dug up an old photo of my grandparents in love, it's nostalgic. :)
Yay. :D