(no subject)

Mar 12, 2007 22:02

Title: Five of Swords
Author: luredbyvenus
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Draco
Card: Five of Swords
Card Interpretation: The Five of Swords represents the feelings associated with loss and defeat. It is a card that warns of impending failure should one continue in their present direction. The Five of Swords challenges us to accept defeat with honor and humility and learn from our present mistakes. Sometimes defeat brings bitter truths, but it can always be a step toward growth and maturity.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: not mine, just playing
Warnings: partial nudity, blood
Artist Notes: This is my first fanart, maybe I should have added that to the warnings. :)

pg-13, by: luredbyvenus, card: five of swords, round 1, art, draco

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