Title: Lily & the Lion
faire-weatherType: Art
Card: Strength
Card Interpretation: "It has walked upon the asp and the basilisk and has trodden down the lion and the dragon." & "Spiritual strength overcomes physical strength." Additionally, from tonyallen.co.uk: The Lion is an enigmatic symbol representing passion and strength, both physical and emotional, making the Strength card one of the few major cards which can have both positive and negative connotations either way up [...] The Strength referred to is not a brutal strength but a gentle quiet sort of strength, the type which is recognized in many famous men and women of courage. It is the courage to hold one’s tongue when one would much rather shout, the courage to walk away from a fight and the courage to give up something desired for the good of others.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Lily Evans belongs to JK Rowling. Lions belong to me. Rawr.
Warnings: None
Artist Notes: Much thanks to
ravenna_c_tan for telling me about this awesome fest. XD ♥♥♥ Medium: Photoshop/Wacom tablet. I almost called this 'Infinite, in Red & Gold', but decided it sounded too pretentious. Which do you think is better? Heavily inspired by
this picture. So heavily inspired, that I'm afraid it might border on plagiarism. *hangs head in shame* I don't know. You tell me?
Lily & the Lion, at my journal.