[Art] - King of Cups

Mar 03, 2007 17:26

Title: King of Cups
Author: kasche
Type: Art
Main character or Pairing: Remus Lupin. Plus the three retards always glued to his hip. :D
Card: King of Cups
Card Interpretation: Let's say that I've taken the SP - "A gentle man. A healer. A good advisor. A good-natured, brown-haired man with light eyes." - and given it a twist. Also because you know something like that would happen, were the other three to know about Remus posing for a card.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Oh, nothing, really.
Author Notes: I'm insane. That's pretty much all you need to know.

My entry for hp_tarot!

Oookay - so the one at the center is Remus, Peter is holding the sign at the bottom, Sirius is trying on Remus' crown and James is dropping Unknown Substances in Remus' cup.

Now you tell me I'm not insane.

james, remus, round 1, art, peter, card: king of cups, by: kasche, g, sirius

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