Title: Where Is He?
deianaeraFic or Art: art
Rating: pretty G, I guess
Characters: Remus Lupin & Severus Snape
Warnings: none
Summary: Set as a "behind the scenes" moment during PoA, Snape presses Lupin for the whereabouts of Sirius Black.
Notes: I tried to give deianaera something she'd like and looked over what I had been given in the way of information many times. With such a variety of characters it was difficult to think how I could bring some together, coupled with the genres that were preferred. Hopefully you like this, deianaera! I stayed away from the fluff and tried to find some sort of canon background to place a couple of your requested characters in. As for the art itself, I'm fairly pleased with the way this turned out... especially the fact that I managed not to smudge the whole thing. And the subject matter? Well, Snape suspected Lupin of aiding Sirius all throughout PoA and appeared to constantly try and convince Dumbledore of this. Thus, having to keep the man healthy with wolfsbane potions was probably a chore for Snape. However, it presented him with frequent opportunities to get Lupin alone and question him. The fact that Lupin knew Sirius was an Animagus probably bothered him all through the year, hence his refusal in the picture to speak to Snape or look at him. It seemed to me that Sirius was a subject he preferred to avoid with everyone.