Closing fic!

Aug 18, 2007 02:33

Title: Lost in Amber Light
Recipient: Everyone!
Fic or Art:Fic
Rating: PG
Characters: Marauders, mention of Regulus, Snape, others.
Warnings: Nothing objectionable here.
Summary: A Day in the life of the Marauders, but why is Sirius so glum?
Notes: Dates and such inferred from the Black Family Tree, available at the Harry Potter Lexicon. This fic wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing work they do there. Special thanks as always to my beta reading team!

The day began promising enough with breakfast in the Great Hall, stolen glances towards Lily Evans, and Remus relaxed and happy, weeks away from his next transformation. Best of all, it was Hogsmeade Weekend -- an entire day away from school! James munched contentedly on his sausages, legs swinging rhythmically, feet scuffing the floor. "Where should we go first, James?" Peter asked him, smiling across the table.

"Do you even have to ask, Peter," Remus chided, "You know he's hitting the jokes and sweets first, that's the only reason you're even going, right James?" Remus smiled softly, a gleam in his eyes.

James finished chewing thoughtfully. "It's true. I am that shallow," he replied, smiling. As he looked up, he spotted Sirius heading towards them across the Hall. When he reached the table, James greeted him, "Alright, Sleepy." Sirius smiled half-heartedly and grabbed some toast as he sat down next to James.

"I wasn't sleeping," Sirius informed them. "I was practicing." At his words, Remus quickly studied his plate. James nodded slightly, looking away from Remus, unsure how to handle the mixture of hope and sadness that their continued experimentation elicited in their werewolf friend. We're so close!

After a few moments, Peter changed the subject, breaking the silence. "What are you going to do today, Sirius?" he asked.

Sirius contemplated him. "What do you mean?" he asked.

James chuckled. "At Hogsmeade," Peter replied with a slight tremor in his voice as he looked for the joke.

"Oh!" Sirius' face lit up then he shrugged, "I don't know. What are we going to do?" he asked, turning to James.

James' smile broadened. “Jokes and Sweets!” he pronounced, loudly. Sirius answered with his own grin. He glanced at Remus who sat watching them across the table.

"Well, now that it's settled," Remus said as he rose, "shall we go?" They all looked at Sirius who shoved another bite of toast in his mouth as he stood, answering them with an incoherent mumble and nod.


The spring warmth and cool breeze mingled to make the walk to Hogsmeade pleasant enough for the students. James, Peter, and Remus hurried down the road towards Hogsmeade. At the last bend in the road, just before the station, they stopped and looked back. Sirius had hung back, and was slowly walking towards them, head down, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Sirius! Come on!” James and Peter shouted together. Sirius looked up at them, surprise crossing his face, though he didn’t pick up the pace.

When Sirius had covered half the distance between them, he smiled and called out, "Go on, then." Remus and Peter turned and continued towards the village while James continued waiting.
"What?" Sirius challenged upon reaching him.

"What? Nothing. Can't I wait for my best mate?" Sirius shrugged as James fell into step beside him.

The other two waited for them outside the first shop along the high street, also falling in beside Sirius as he moved along. James nudged Sirius. "Zonko's," he said. Nodding in reply to James' suggestion, they made their way across the street to the joke shop. Though they'd been there several times before, Zonko's never failed to entertain. They rummaged through the shelves and barrels that lined the walls, collecting dung bombs, stink pellets and an assortment of boredom-relieving devices. They piled their purchases on the counter and James quietly shoved them all together, passing a few coins to the proprietor. Peter punched him good-naturedly in the shoulder as Remus gathered up his items and headed for the door. James grabbed his items and his change, stared at the empty counter, and then at Sirius' empty hands. "You're not getting anything?" he asked?

Sirius sighed, "No, I'm good." He stood his ground while James scrutinized him. After a moment, James shook his head, turned away, and Sirius trailed him out into the street. They headed for the next shop.

Ahead of them, two skinny dark-haired youths exited the post office and started down the street away from them. James chuckled. "Look who it is, Sirius," he said nodding towards the pair. This new development met with a noncommittal response from Sirius. Gaping, James stopped, grabbed him, and turned him around. "It's Regulus and Snape!" he shouted. "Don't you care?" Remus and Peter hurried past them towards Honeydukes.

Sirius heaved a great sigh and watched his younger brother disappear into Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop with Snape. "No, not really," he said, looking down and refusing to meet James' eyes.
"That's it," James proclaimed. "What's up? You've been moody since yesterday's post came. What's happened?" he asked, the last question tinged with real concern for his friend. Sirius studied him with half-hidden eyes, shielded by the long hair that fell across his face as he looked up.

"Alright, I'll tell you, but we're going to need a drink." He looked to where Remus and Peter were waiting for them outside of Honeydukes. "Um, I'd rather not tell them," he said, quietly.

Surprised, James blurted out, "Why not?" Sirius only glared at him in return. "Fine," James conceded, without another word. "Hang on and I'll buy us some time." He hurried across the way to Remus, exchanged a few words, and then handed over his wallet. Remus and Peter took the money and entered the shop as James jogged back toward Sirius. "Okay, let's hurry. I told them we would go ahead and order their butterbeers and snag a table if they bought us some sweets for later tonight."


Sirius remained silent until they were both seated at a corner table inside the Three Broomsticks. James nervously glanced between the door and his friend, waiting. "Sirius," he said at last, "If you don’t tell me now, you might as well wait and tell us all."

With another deep sigh, Sirius blurted out, "I got a letter from my mum yesterday." James sipped his drink and waited. Though he didn't know all the details of Sirius' home life, he did know that Sirius was a Black… a Black that hadn't been placed in Slytherin. "She has a scheme up her sleeve and is demanding I play my part," Sirius finished, taking a long swallow from his tankard.

"And?" James asked.

Sirius blurted out his answer in a single breath, running the words together, "Alphard has named me his sole heir, Mum doesn't want the money to leave the family and she is demanding I marry one of my cousins." Sirius glared at the table.

James laughed, muffling it sharply when Sirius' glare turned on him. "Sirius," he began, facing down the hardened steel eyes, "you're not old enough to get married." He laughed again, tentatively.

"My grandfather married at thirteen," Sirius pointed out.

"But I still don't understand. You can't marry one of your cousins; they're all older than you." Sirius simply looked at him, one eyebrow cocked. James shrugged.

Sirius suddenly covered his face with his hands. "Bella's only eight years older than me. She would do it, to keep the money in the family." Sirius dropped his hands as he explained. "Andromeda and Cissy though, they’re both . . . well, Mum doesn't know about Andi, but Cissy is engaged to that prat Lucius. You remember him from first year? He was seventh year." James nodded in support, though he couldn't put a face to the name. "Alphard chose me because I'm in Gryffindor, like he was. Mum is worried I'll 'make a wrong choice and jeopardize my future,'" he mimicked her voice as he spoke, bringing a smile to James' face. It was a good imitation. "She thinks that if I don't marry into the family, I'll be tempted to leave it and take Alphard's money with me."

"So she wants you to marry Bella?"

"Or Andi," Sirius clarified.

"You won't do it," James assured him. "She can't make you."

"She's threatened to disown me, but it's an empty threat. If she does disown me, then the money really will be out of the family." Sirius picked up his glass and held it up to the light that burned from the ceiling, studying the drink within. Flame danced between the bubbles, glinting through the amber liquid. He turned it from side to side, noting how the froth rode along the top, and how the bubbles joined it.

James' smile faded and he sighed. "That's a tough one, mate," he said. Sirius nodded absently, drinking the rest of his butterbeer in one go.

"Hey," Remus called as they reached the table, "Sirius, you've started without us." Peter chortled and dumped an enormous pile of sweets on the table before James.

"Peter!" James scolded.

"He wanted to spend all the money, but I managed to save you a few sickles," Remus informed him.

"Thanks," James slid his chair over and made room for Peter to sit next to him. Remus snagged his butterbeer out of Sirius' hands before it could be claimed, and sat down as well.

"Hey, guess who we saw going into Dervish?" Remus started, "Regulus and Snape."

"My brother and the mighty Snivellus, huh?" Sirius smiled deviously, his problems washed away for the time being.


character: regulus black, fic, character: remus lupin, character: severus snape, character: sirius black, character: james potter, character: peter pettigrew

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