Stamped as Luna ♔ Hybrid House Theme!

Aug 05, 2010 03:18

Name: Anjelica
Age: 19
Gender: Female

About You
Describe your personality: Well, I'm an INFP (Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving) and I feel it describes me extremely well. People who are INFP tend to be "highly intuitive about people," "reserved in expressing emotion--" something that in particular describes me because while I'm really a highly emotional, almost hyper sensitive person, I come off as dreamy and stoic - and most importantly have a heightened sense of wonder.

"INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities."

Anyway, I never quite grew into my imagination. As a kid I always felt like an alien in a world full of people and as a young adult it's even stronger, but I'm somewhat grateful of it. Here is an attempt to sum myself up: "19 year old girl, socially awkward and dreamy, obsessed with outer space, majoring in film, collects giraffe statues."
Positive qualities: Whimsical, imaginative, classy, quirky, clever, light-hearted, daydreamer, empathetic, adventurous, enthusiastic.
Negative qualities: Socially awkward, indecisive, restless, spacey, detached, nerdy, anxious, unrealistic, melancholic (at times).
Neutral qualities: Sensitive, forgiving, elusive, mellow, independent, stubborn, weird.
Likes: Outer space, nature, animals, singing, films, photography, personifying inanimate objects, making things up, daydreaming, collecting things, art, being nocturnal, adventuring, partying on rooftops, being with my little weasel, video games, mountains~
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: Anger, violence, any sort of discrimination, closed-mindedness, drugs, Keanu Reeves, ignorance, when people complain about everything, and routine.
Strengths: My imagination and sense of wonder - the things I come up with and the way I perceive things is really other-worldly! My humor and my empathy - I listen well and truly understand others' feelings, sometimes too much.
Weaknesses: My feeling of alienation. I've always felt like I don't belong, though this has been slowly changing over the last few years. Other than that, anything in my "Negative qualities" section. Aaand I suck at math?

This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic! Not overly optimistic where it's annoying and I try to make light of tragic situations or anything, though!
Realistic or Idealistic: Idealistic, definitely.
Introverted or Extroverted: This one's a toss-up nowadays. I'm extroverted enough to socialize with people, but too introverted to be in extremely social situations in the first place. I'm very friendly, but I tend to keep to myself. I don't need to be surrounded by people to be happy.
Brave or Safe: Brave, though I will think things through before acting.
Selfish or Selfless: Selfless.
Stoic or Emotional: Stoic on the outside, emotional inside. I let my emotions show when the time calls for it.
Trusting or Cynical: Trusting! I believe there's good in everybody. That's not to say I don't have good judgment, though, because I would seriously stay away from someone like Bellatrix Lestrange.
Brains or Brawn: I'm much more brainy than brawny
Cheerful or Melancholy: A balance! I'm positive and light-hearted with a melancholy sort of air about me.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive for things like daily plans, appearance, and art. For the more important things, I think things through.
Modest or Vain: Modest!
Independent or Dependent: Independent.
Uptight or Laidback: Laidback.
Funny or Serious: Heavily leaning toward funny, though I'm not always telling jokes or anything. I just laugh often!

Harry Potter
What house were you sorted into at hp_stamps? RAVENCLAW unanimously!
What would you say are your two most defining character traits? My whimsy and compassion. Definitely whimsy because I am light-hearted and hyper imaginative. Compassion because I'm very in tuned with what people are feeling and, more importantly, I feel for just about everyone.
What is your opinion on unforgiveable curses? Do you think they are ever justified? I really dislike them an awful lot. Neville's reaction to them reminds me a lot of what I would imagine my own would be, except less outward. I don't think they're justified considering Harry was able to fight Voldemort off with a simple disarming spell. There are ways around them and I feel like they're just toxic to whoever uses them.
What trait(s) do you possess from each Hogwarts house? (check the guides on the theme page if you need help)

GRYFFINDOR: Silly, opinionated, playful, idealistic, stubborn, defensive, impulsive, and eager to stand up for what I believe in.
HUFFLEPUFF: Emotional, modest, sensitive, compassionate, friendly, open-minded, a daydreamer, and optimistic.
RAVENCLAW: Imaginative, creative, an "old soul," introspective, geeky, clever, independent, thoughtful, curious.
SLYTHERIN: I dream big and am outwardly stoic at times!

What Hogwarts house do you think you belong in least, if any? Well the above says it all, really... Slytherin and I were not meant to be. It's a shame, I love the Slytherin house and I feel like it was really undermined and given too negative a reputation in the books, but we share almost nothing in common!

Finally, please link three votes here: HERE YOU ARE, lovelies! And then some. 8D

hybrid! ravenpuff

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