Sign-ups Round 2

Dec 03, 2009 12:43

Before you sign-up for hp_spring_fling please read the rules. The rules have been slightly revised since the previous round, so if you participated last year, please read them again.

Sign-ups will last from December 3rd until December 17th. Assignments will be e-mailed to you no later then two weeks after the closing of the sign-ups (it all depends on how many people sign up).

Please fill out this form and post it in a comment to this entry. If you have any questions/comments just contact me via lj.

Magic Word:

Your gift
Which rating for your gift would you prefer?
[ ] No higher than PG-13
[ ] PG-13/R
[ ] R/NC-17
[ ] Any
I love:
I hate:
A Place:
An Item:
A Prompt:

Your fic
Pairings you don't like to write:
Highest rating you're willing to write:
Favourite things to write about:
Things you can't write:

Anything else I should know:

For the rating, put [X] for whichever option applies to you.

A place can be anything specific like Hogwarts, the kitchen at the Burrow etc, or simply a bed, at work… whatever you like. Same goes for the item. A broom, a wand, a cup of tea, a chocolate Easter bunny… be creative.

The prompt should give the writer a general idea of what you would like to receive. Chose whatever you like, song lyrics, a single word prompt or a brief scenario (like a lover’s quarrel or the beginning of a relationship etc.) You get the idea.

Have fun!

!round 2 2010!, !sign-ups!

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