August Challenge: FIRE

Jul 18, 2006 09:15

Challenge Time!

I've been meaning to do this for some time, but RL doth make fools of us all. Starting now, hp_spotlighting will have a challenge each month. The prompt will be pretty general, and your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write/draw something inspired by it and post it sometime during the month. You may use the prompt as loosely as you like!

There are only three rules.
1. Please put somewhere in the header that the fic/art is for the challenge.
2. Please post your challenge entries directly to hp_spotlighting, rather than fake-cutting. The fake-cutting doesn't bug me most of the time, but for challenge stuff, I'd like to see the community looking like a "happening" place, and I'd also like to get an estimate of how many people are commenting to Spotlighting entries.
3. Please read and comment! I've noticed commenting is down lately, and I know I don't get the chance to read everything either, but if all our members and watchers make an effort to review a little more often, it'll make a huge difference. This community is full of talented artists and writers. And they need love.

Oh, yeah, and LJ-cut, but you already know that, so I don't need to make it a rule, do I?

So, without further ado:

The August challenge is: Fire

(Inspired by the recent weather around here.)

Anything involving fire, ladies and gents. Any length, any genre, any pairing. Post anytime during the month of August.

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