At work. My Harry Potter geekery poked it's head out when I got into work this morning, talking to Danna behind me... about why I was anxious.
I brought my macbook with me (and I probably should've brought a DVD to watch while I wait in B&N). So I'm good to go. Hopefully the Apple WiFi will be strong enough over in the bookstore. I'm going to call B&N on my lunch break to find out the process for getting wristbands and the like (and see if I can pick them up for anyone else if possible -- those who are coming to The Grove and want me to see if I can pick one up for you, let me know and when I call them, I'll see what info I need to have).
ixchelmala JUST called me to say she's at The Grove now with
enkeli. She's going to see if she can get my wristband for me, so yay!
Anxious Excited!
Oh, and a remark on yesterday. When I was on the Red Line heading to Union Station, there was a kid about 18 or so that was sitting across from me near the doors of the train, and he had out a brand spaking new copy of HBP. It made me smile, and I wished I'd not reconsidered about bringing my copy, because then we could've made a very amusing picture, two people sitting across from each other, reading HBP. xD