(no subject)

Mar 20, 2007 09:40

This morning, I woke up absolutely freezing cold to find out that my cat had gotten completely hyperactive at some point in the very early morning and ripped my blankets and sheets off my person. They were pooled on the floor next to my bed. I skipped a shower this morning, which makes me feel a little icky, and slept the extra half-hour before getting out of bed and getting ready.

Managed to get out of the house at a good time. Stopped at the bank. Then, as we neared Mission Station, I was rifling through my wallet and noticed I was missing my picture of Sai Baba. "Oh, well. What am I going to do about it?" I said. I could've asked mom if she had any pictures sitting around in the car (there sometimes seems to be a few), but I didn't want to take the one and only one I saw, so I was like... nevermind!

Got to the station, waited for the Metro. Express! YAY! Got on and filed into this can of tuna that it was and as we started, the first thing I heard was "Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll be out of power for a short ways, but don't worry, we'll just coast through it." And I'm all o_O;

So we "coasted" through the section of tracks that didn't have power and that took 5minutes. Then we got to the Highland Park station and ... well... we didn't move. We did not move. The train wouldn't move!!! It took them a good 20 minutes to get it to move again, everyone jam-packed with no room to move, sherrif just prowling up and down the outside of the train staring at us all like he was big and tough.

Finally, we get moving and I'm like... omg thank you. Today is a rather cloudy, dreary looking day. I got to work on time. Thank goodness. And I'm now enjoying a cold coke (for the caffeine as I don't like coffee) and a nutri-grain bar. Shuffle is charging since it died when I got to Union Station. Yep. Let's see how this day goes.

The thing about the picture, and why I mentioned it, is that it's sort of like my security blanket. My mom has a picture of Sai Baba in her car, in her purse, in her room, etc. I have one in my room, in my wallet, etc. She's always kept one with her at all times because, even though she's not a Hindu, she's always been safe with it. She's never had an accident and all of that. I sort of picked up the habit.

I know a lot of Hindus that admire Sai Baba do that, too, but as we aren't exactly a religious family... it means something to me. I don't do a lot of rituals or prayers or behave in a manner befitting of a Hindu (because I'll eat beef and be fine with it and not have a consistent way of praying), but if there's one thing I learned about my religion, it's that it's flexible, you pick and choose what you do. You choose the gods you pray to, you can choose the way you pray, etc. As long as you have an idea about life.

That's my little safety net, and I never actually noticed that before until this very morning when I found myself without that picture.

ETA: Scholastic announced that 'Deathly Hallows' would be 784 pages. o_O

technical difficulties, breakfast, sai baba, weather, picture, work, metro, morning

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