It took a noob to save this comm huh?

Jun 25, 2008 20:47

Title: Maybe

Rating: R/NC-17
Pairing: Daniel/Tom
Summary: Tom has it bad for Rupert decides to help.Disclaimer: I don't own them.. If I did, I'd probably be watching them right now instead of writing about it =:)
Warnings: None. Everyone is of age. 
A/N: I really like rps, but since nobody is alive around here, I thought I should post. It's not the greatest thing, but it's something. If I didn't do the cut right, sorry, I'm new =:)

Tom's hands sweat and shook as he waited for Dan to finish shooting. Today was strickly green screen work, and since Draco didn't have have much during GoF (that wasn't already taken care of), Tom had nothing to do all day, except pull a few pranks with James and Oliver, and play videogames with Matt and Alfred. Granted that was fun, but his mind was distracted the entire time.

Daniel is all Tom can think about now-a-days, and when he thinks about him, little Tommy stands at attention, more often then not. And denying himself release wasn't the easiest decision for him to make, because his cock is one of his closest friends, and since he's negleted it, well, he's convinced it might just run away. Playing videogames was definitely a task for Tom; with all of the masturbating he's been doing the muscles in his right hand are pretty much dead (and since he's not really a fan of change, he doesn't go left). He's decided to stop in order to save the few working nerves he's got left in his wrist before he'll need to get it amputated. Tom hasn't jacked off in about 3 days, and it's turned him into one short fuse.

"I'll go get lunch when I'm fucking ready to Grint, now leave me alone!" Tom snapped, instantly regretting it the moment he said it. Rupert stood infront of him, flabbergasted after he mearly asked when he was going to get lunch, so he could join him. Tom sighed and took deep breath before speaking again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it Rupe, honestly I didn't, I'm just..." Rupert nodded; he didn't need an explanation; Tom was his next closest friend next to Dan, he knew by now not to take outbursts like these too seriously. He looked around before pulling him to the side, away from listening ears. Dan had finished shooting a few mintues early, and made his way down to Tom's trailer. Rupert had told him that Tom really needed to talk to him, and since he had nothing else to that night, and there was no shooting tomorrow, he decided to pay Tom a little visit.

"Tell me what's wrong mate, you've been acting like this for days now." Tom groaned; he thought about Dan again and could feel himself getting hard. "It's Dan," He whispered, making sure no one heard. "I can't get him out of my mind," His cock strained in his trousers.. "And every bloody time I say his name, I get hard. I think I'm gonna go blind if I keep wanking, so I stopped. So now I've had a boner really for the last three days, and I can't do a single thing about it. I'm gonna kill someone Rupe, I swear, if I can't get rid of this." Rupert tried not to crack a smile. "What you need to do, is get laid," He thought for a second. "I'll tell Dan to meet you at you trailer after he's done shooting and then you can take care of Tommy without going blind," Rupert grabbed his right wrist and Tom swore from pain. "Or the way you've been going at it, a sprained wrist and a hairy palm." Rupert walked away after that, leaving Tom still hard, and now nervous about the end of the day.


Tom jumped when he heard Dan's knocks on the door, adjusting his priapism in his trousers for going to answer it. Dan stood outside, slightly sweaty and still wearing his Gryffindor robes, not at all helping Tom. "Hey Tom, what's up?" He asked kindly smiling. Tom smiled back. "Nothing much, come on in." He stood aside as Dan walked in. "Do you want something to drink?" he asked nervously, needing to occupy himself. Dan shook his head, taking a seat on Tom's red couch, the same couch he's wanked on. Tom swore under his breath, which Dan didn't hear.

"So what did you want to talk about? Rupert said it was killing you, and there was something about going blind as well..." Dan trailed off lamely. Tom took a deep breath. "Shit, um, Dan...Ifancyyoualot." he mumbled quickly, hoping Dan heard it. "What?" Tom felt like he was going to throw up. Refocusing his mind, he took another deep breath before saying. "There's just no other better way I can say this. I fancy you Dan, a lot and I want you so badly."

Dan sat there puzzled, wearing almost the same expression as Rupert did earlier that day. Tom saw this and groaned, his head falling into his hands. "I'm sorry, oh God, I knew you didn't like me..." He went on cursing himself softly, not realizing that Dan stood up and walked towards him. He moved his hands from his face and lifted his chin, shocking a distraught Tom. "I-shit-I love you Tom. Really I do, I'm not just saying that...I just never thought you'd would ever like the short little prat that plays Harry bloody Potter. I've always wanted you." He said softly, stroking his cheek gently. Tom never thought he'd hear Dan say those words, and the sound of them made him swoon. Dan closed the gap between their faces, softly kissing him, not wanting to move too quickly. Tom clumsily kissed back, both of them working into a sensual rhythm of their lips. Dan opened his mouth a little and licked at Tom's lips, asking for entry, and that was it for Tom. He involuntarily thrust his hips down at Dan's, noticing how he had a similar erection poking through his robes.

Dan broke the snog at the welcomed friction. "Um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get..." He couldn't even say it, but Tom took the hint. "It's okay, I am too." He took Dan's hand in his own and placed it over his crotch, Dan feeling the hot length inside. Tom moaned softly, his eyes fluttering closed. "Can I?" Dan asked, reaching for the button on his jeans. Tom nodded frantically, biting his lip to hold in another moan. He pulled Tom over to the couch and they both sat down, nervous as ever. Dan swiftly popped the button open and pulled the zipper down, Tom's breath caught in his throat. He lifted his hips up, allowing Dan to pull his trousers down to about his knees, letting gravity do the rest.

Never before in the 6 years that Daniel has known Tom has he ever seen him so desperate for...well, anything. His blonde hair is stuck to his forehead from sweat, and he's out of breath for some reason. Dan has never seen someone so sexy.

"What do you want me to do Tom?" Dan whispered, placing his hands on either side of his face, forcing Tom to look at him. "What ever you want to do. B-but I want to touch you too." He stammered, knowing how wrong this is, but feeling so right.

Dan stood up and pulled off his robes, revealing his Hogwarts uniform underneath. He stripped himself of his sweater and shirt, and the unbuttoned his trousers, not once taking his eyes off of Tom's. Tom beckoned him over, wanting to feel every part of his body. Dan straddled his legs, placing his hands on his shoulders, feeling his erection inches from his own. Tom pulled him down for a snog, trying to remember Dan's taste: cinnamon and chocolate, which at that moment became Tom's favorites. One of them moaned, but neither could tell who it was; at that point they became one.

Dan ground his hips into the blonde's, both of them breaking apart for air and a moan. "How do you want this?" Tom asked, snaking his arms around Dan's waist. "Lie down on your back." Dan instructed, kissing him once again. Holding his body flush against his own, Tom slowly lowered them down on the couch, a much better position. Dan grinded against Tom again, loving the way he moaned. Instantly Tom's legs crossed behind Dan's back, bringing him impossibly closer. "How does it feel?" he hissed, doing it again. Tom groaned. A few more grinds at he'd be gone. "Bloody hell feels so good. Give me more." He begged, his head spinning. Dan sat on his knees and pulled his trousers down to his calves, cursing their existence. He leaned down and kissed his neck, licking his pulse, trying to find what Tom liked on his own.

The two rubbed together in bliss, not caring how absurd they must've looked, too randy to do anything more than this. "Don't stop...I'm so close." Tom whined, his nails digging into Dan's back. He arched his back into Dan, exposing the peachy sweaty skin of his neck. "B-bite me." Tom begged, his body practically shaking. Dan looked at him puzzled. 'Bite me' was what Americans say when they want some one to sod off. Why was Tom telling him to?

"Bite m-my neck." Tom repeated again, assuming Dan hadn't heard him the first time. Feeling stupid, Dan leaned in and kissed his collar bone, biting down softly the right side of Tom's neck, making Tom groan in pleasure. "Harder, please, bite harder." Tom pleaded, so close to his orgasm that it almost hurt. Dan bit down hard, more on the bone than on the skin, and Tom cried out loud as he came, nearly passing out from his heavy release. Dan kept rubbing against Tom until his own release came, his cry absorbed into Tom's neck.

Dan rolled off Tom's spent body and laid down next to him, his head spinning. "You're a masochist?" Dan asked, running his fingers through his own damp hair. Tom chuckled sleepliy, rubbing the fingers of his right hand over Dan's bite marks. "Yeah, kind of. When I'm about to come it feels so good to be bitten." Dan nodded; he thought it was kind of kinky.

"Good to know, I guess." Tom nodded as he exhaled pleasantly, his eyes fluttering shut as he reaches bliss.

Dan glanced down at his watch and realized the time; he needed to call his mum soon and go to bed. He promised to go out to breakfast with her and his dad the next morning, but he didn't want to leave Tom. He leaned over and smoothed down his hair, not wanting to disturb how beautiful he looked.

"I have to be going. I gotta get up early tomorrow." He said, snapping Tom from his daze. Tom frowned. "Do you have to? But we were just getting started." Dan nodded sullenly. He leaned over and kissed him passionately soft. Dan stood and got slopplily redressed, putting on his trousers and crookedly buttoning his shirt. Tom helped gather the rest of his costume together all while getting dressed, hating that he had to leave so early. Dan took his clothing from Tom's hands and cupped his cheek. "If I could keep doing this, trust me love, I would, but I really must be off." He leaned in for a soft kiss, and wasn't surprised when Tom didn't really kiss back.

"C'mon then, let's get you back to your trailer." Tom said, trying to not strain the words. Dan just nodded, not really sure what to say.

The two walked with the aid of the moonlight in a psedo-comfortable silence to Dan's trailer, which was about 25 yards from Tom's, both boys wishing that one of their co-stars would come from their trailers and distract them. Dan hated how distant Tom was being, but he found his pout cute and a little sexy.

Dan pulled Tom into a forceful kiss once they reached the door, making Tom break and kiss back, his arms subconsciously coming around Dan's neck.

Tom lingered on Dan's lips after he pulled away, feeling very dizzy and intoxicated from his kiss. Dan pecked his forehead tenderly, making Tom melt into his arms. "Listen, I really am sorry I have to leave you. My Mum and Dad come out to see me once every other week for breakfast and I can't break that tradition. Either I go with them or Mum starts coming here every other day," Tom winced. "Yeah, exactly. We'd never get time like this alone," Dan kissed Tom's pink lips for effect. "Wouldn't want that would we?" Tom said coyly, fingering Dan's long hair. "Of course not. After 10:30 I'm completely free, so I definitely suggest swinging by my flat if you want to continue this Mr. Felton."

"I just might take you up on that suggestion Mr. Radcliffe." Tom replied, leaning in for a sensual kiss. Dan kissed back with just as much passion, leaving Tom breathless.

"Call me." Dan whispered, and with one final kiss he stepped inside his trailer, leaving his blonde companion gasping for breath again, and completely hard.

At least now he'd have something to wank to.
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