Gary and David, a Fantasy, Chapter 3

Aug 17, 2007 10:46

Title David and Gary - a Fantasy

Rating: NC/17

Pairing: David Thewlis/Gary Oldman

Summary: David and Gary are just friends - or are they?

Author’s Note: Told in Gary's words, a tale of friendship that goes a step further. Otherwise known as a tale of two sexy men... Sorry to take so long to get the next chapter up!

Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction, obviously, and meant to be taken as such, not as truth. Accept it for what it is, and enjoy it. Be aware, though, that this, like most of my fanfic is rated NC17

Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction, obviously, and meant to be taken as such, not as truth. Accept it for what it is, and enjoy it. Be aware, though, that this, like most of my fanfic, is rated NC17

David and Gary - A Fantasy

by Julie Lynn Hayes

Chapter 3 - Bitches in the Night

Contentedly we nestled together, snuggling and cuddling. "Night, David," I murmured, and barely heard his answering, "Night, Gary...." as I began to drift away, into dreamland.....

....when the jarring sound of the phone beside my bed woke me with a start. I reached for the beast, trying not to dislodge David, and barely got the damn thing up to my ear when I heard an all too familiar voice screeching, "GARY OLDMAN, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"

I'd know that shrewish voice anywhere, of course. Donya. My third ex. Mother of my two youngest - Gulliver and Charlie. Bitch extraordinaire. What was she doing on my phone at this time of the night? Surely even she can figure out the time zone difference between California and Scotland enough to realize it's not a fit time to be calling? Not that I wished to hear from her at any particular time - the relations between us had been severely strained since our divorce, especially after I won sole custody of my sons - but especially right not this particular minute. And how could she possibly know? Even as I thought that, I realized that that reporter had wasted no time, doubtless, in faxing our picture across the pond, and someone there had thought to tip her off to it, perhaps in expectation of some pecuniary remuneration. Little did they know - her money generally goes to drugs and booze. I decided to bluff it out with her, though, at least for the moment.

"Attempting to sleep, which you've interrupted, so if you'll excuse me...." David raised his sleepy head, and I put a finger to my lips cautiously, lest he say something inadvertently which she might overhear. It didn't matter, anyway.

"Sleep? Is that what they're calling it these days?" her cackling continued relentlessly. "Gary, I know you're not alone, and I know who is with you. At least have the guts to admit it, why don't you?"

"Assuming that I am not alone, and assuming it is any of your business who I am not alone with, what the fuck do you want?" I snapped. "I have an early call and I would like to go back to sleep. Yes, sleep, Donya, so get your sordid little mind out of the gutter."

"Something you apparently seem unable to do!" she snapped, "so, my dear ex-husband, just when did you switch to playing for the other side? Or have you been fucking queer the whole time and just hiding it?"

"This is neither the time nor place for this discussion,"I could barely keep from simply clicking the off button, but I refrained, "and once again I ask what business is it of yours?"

"Because you have my sons!" she fairly screamed into the line.

"MY SONS!" I can't help it, I exploded back at her.

"Not for long, not if I take you back to court and tell them how fucking queer you are," she countered.

My anger was growing exponentially, and David was attempting to soothe and pacify me, his lips brushing warmly over my ear as he whispered so softly that only I could hear, "Don't let her get to you, love," even as his fingers stroked my bare chest gently.

"And Thewlis will lose his child as well," She continued spitefully, which was pointless, but apparently she wasn't aware of everything, thank goodness, and she and Anna were not exactly confidants, barely knew each other actually.

"Donya, fine, is this what you want to hear? I'm with David, and no matter what you do, nothing will change that. And do NOT threaten me with my children. No court in the land is about to take their custody away from me for my choice of lovers, much less turn them over to your stupid drugtaking alcoholic self! Now, do yourself a favour and get off my phone before I call my attorney and cancel what visitation rights you do have!" I had had enough - more than enough - as I kissed David full on the lips, not caring what it might sound like on the other end of the line.

"YOU'RE FUCKING DISGUSTING-" and with that I hung up on the bitch.

"I'm sorry, love," David whispered, to which I immediately rejoined, "Don't be. I'm not....." And we found that suddenly we were inexplicably not sleepy, and we had a little bit of energy to expend....

Morning came, we rose reluctantly, yawning and stretching, but rather than taking the time to make coffee or a proper breakfast, we feasted on one another, which almost caused us to be late. Amber had to knock on the door before we made our hasty appearance. She shook her head at us and merely laughed, before ferrying us to the set. And THIS time we did sit in the backseat, although we did nothing more than lean against one another comfortably. Mmmm, he felt so good to hold. I damn near fell asleep just like that, but soon enough we'd arrived, and another day had begun.

Well, so much for being discreet. I think everyone on the bloody set had a copy of the ragsheet with our picture in it, and we received more than a few catcalls and whistles as we walked in. All in good nature, of course. So, being the hams that we are, we reenacted the scene for those had not been there, pausing long enough to kiss one another before we entered our respective trailers - to a great deal of applause, I might add.

And Alphonse apparently couldn't refrain from reminding us that in this version of the story, Remus and Sirius don't get to kiss, at least not onscreen. Which earned a round of chuckles from the cast and crew. I was a little hesitant in front of the children. Not that I was guilty or anything like that, but you have to be careful with impressionable minds. Dan and I had become rather good friends, actually, and I wasn't sure how he would take it. I think he has a touch of hero worship going on, in fact. But when he and I were standing together, waiting for our cues, so Harry and Sirius could discuss their possible future, Dan leaned in to me, and whispered, "I admire you for that, Gary. That took real nads. David's a lucky guy. You both are, really." And he graced me with his loveliest smile, which simply warmed my heart.

"I'll tell him you said that, thanks, Dan," I responded.

Later in the day, I had occasion to run into Alan. He favored me with one of his snarkiest smiles, before quipping, "So you two really do natter like an old married couple do you?" And I couldn't help but remember something we'd heard in the sex shop.

"About as much as you and Jason," I took a quick shot in the dark, which apparently hit home, for I could see the surprise in his eyes. After all, I'd reasoned, Jason wasn't even in this film, so if he were in Scotland at this time, and if he and Alan were in the same shop that David and I had been, it stood to reason that they were there for the same reasons as we were. Low blow, maybe, but great deductive ability on my part, I think.

Of course, he had better reason to deny it than I did. After all, he was in a longtime relationship, over thirty years I think, with Rima. I was single and fancy free. Jason himself had girlfriend and children. So yeah, they might just not wish to broadcast their relationship. Assuming they had a relationship.

His next words dispelled any doubt.

"Indeed," he replied quietly, and I could see him wrestling with something in his mind, before he added, "Why don't we talk next break? My trailer?"

"Surely," I replied, but before I could do or say anything else, my name was being called, and when I turned back to him, he was gone. So for now, my questions would have to go unanswered.
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