“Why are you worrying about YOU-KNOW-WHO, when you should be worrying about YOU-NO-POO? The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!”Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was published in 2005. Clocking in at slightly shorter than its predecessor, the book nevertheless contained a wealth of new information for fans. Book Six included new
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Also, Sirius' death did not seem to be effecting Harry at all. HBP!Harry seemed almost cold. I much preferred Capslock!Harry because that seemed a normal reaction to what he went through.
And I guess just in general, the books just really wouldn't work if Harry wasn't pretty resilient? I mean, you could argue that his childhood should have made him angry and antisocial from the start. (And again, I would argue that if you read between the lines there are hints of the more mundane trauma of his childhood affecting him as well.)
I dunno, I guess I could just be reading too much into things or filling in the blanks of some of the things I wish were different or improved in the books, but I think that with Harry's background it's easy to believe that he could be putting on a facade.
At that point Rowling didn't have a clue how she was going to end the series and have Harry prevail, so she just parked him at Hogwarts and wrote bad fluff to fill the book and get everyone to the only really important scene in the whole novel - Dumbledore's death.
Rowling seemed incapable of portraying 'love' and teenage attraction via any agency other than primitive jealousy, which is (a) horrible to read and (b) a horrible example to her child readership.
Harry's lust for Ginny was born from his jealous rage over seeing her kiss Dean. The puerile R/Hr nonsense was driven by, and consisted almost solely of, jealousy and games of spiteful jealousy. Ginny would spend her every second scene in DH being jealous of anything female around Harry.
It's a horrible way to portray teenage attraction but seems to be the only way Rowling can manage/display it. The 'romance' filled up roughly half the book and was a major reason for why HBP was so bad.
I hated the way Harry/Ginny was played out. the ridiculous 'chest monster' was gross and superficial and my liking of Ginny Weasley decreased considerably after her treatment of Ron (she was right in calling Ron out but she took it too far and was basically the reason for the whole lav-lav fiasco; for which she never apologized to Hermione, her so called friend, for causing her to go through such heartache)
also, while I understand feeling jealous of Fleur and feeling miffed that Bill was marrying her, the whole 'phelgm' thing behind Fleur's back and trying to get Bill to go for Tonks instead was petty.
was miffed that Ron & Hermione had to go through a jealous- love triangle drama to stall them getting together.
Did genuinely liked Remus/Tonks,which I thought was dealt believably considering it played out mostly in the background
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