(no subject)

Jan 17, 2011 14:30

Mike closed the door behind himself and stared at the resting body before him. It was the first time he had gotten to see Luna alone, for more than the brief moment when they had transferred her to St. Mungo’s. They had re-stabilized her and gotten her off the muggle machines. Since visitation hours started, Terry hadn’t left her side. Mike eventually gave up vying for a turn and offered to spend the night at Terry’s flat to take care of the dog and cat. And he welcomed a real bed. His couch at home was giving his neck a hell of an ache. After work, Mike visited the pets again and was right back at the hospital. It had been twenty-four hours since the accident and he had finally convinced Terry to get something to eat.

And now here he was. And there she was. She looked like she was sleeping aside from the faint trace of a scrape down her right temple. Wizards definitely worked quickly. The doctors told them she would be able to hear them in her coma eventually, but they couldn’t tell them when. The body’s healing process was in effect and it would take its time. They couldn’t even tell them how long the coma would last, a few days or endless years.

He wasn’t sure how to start … or if he should start. Exhaling, he finally said, “If you were trying to make me feel bad about yelling at you... well, fine. You win. Baby.” He watched her face for a change that never came. He moved to the side of her bed where Terry had pulled a chair up close to keep vigil and took a seat. “You should see the other guy,” he tried. Joking was the only thing he knew best at times like these. “Lots of attention too. You really know how to draw a crowd, Lovegood.”

Luna slowly became more aware of her surroundings again. Something was different, someone else was there. Her hand felt cold without Terry’s on it. She couldn’t help but smile on the inside when Mike made a cheezy joke. “Leave it to Mike. Who said this had to be so solemn?” She wished she could tell him, but her body didn’t seem to want to cooperate.

Her breathing was slow and steady. Though faint, it was the only constant noise in the room. In his head he was comparing her to a good metronome, but as he watched her the realization that this may not be a temporary setback started to sink in. He leaned closer, careful to rest his elbows on the very edge of the bed so as to not disrupt anything. His voice softened. “Listen, Love... you’re really freaking us all out. I hope you’re in there somewhere. I mean,” the corner of his mouth turned up in a slight smile, “we barely got to see you since you’ve been back. This is a really poor goodb-” he didn’t finish that sentence.

”Well, I hope you’re this chatty when I wake up. Like I’d leave like this. I’ll be going out kicking and screaming.”

“Anyway, what I mean is, well, this really isn’t fair at all. You can’t leave us for some bloody job across the world and not expect us to miss you.” He shifted over her slightly. “Yes, I’ll admit it. I miss that annoying little voice in my ear when I make an asinine decision. I miss discussing our plans to save the world over a few bottles of wine. I miss your late night texts about what Terry is and isn’t doing wrong and those stupid names you come up with for neighbors and animals and everything else under the sun. You missed an awful lot too. And I’m gonna miss an awful lot without you.” He went silent for a while and let his head hang.

”Wow, Mike...that was....sweet. You’re not going to try and shag me now, are you? Seems that always happens when you’re sweet.”

He heard the door and looked up, sitting back at the same time. “Hey mate,” he said to Terry who had returned so quickly. “She’s uh,” he made a motion at Luna, “well, same. I don’t know.” He stood.

“You can stay,” Terry told him.

Mike glanced back at Luna and then at the ground. “No, um. I know it’s boring as all hell out in that waiting room. You should sit in here.”

“I know it’s weird.”

Mike looked up. He felt guilty for wanting to go. “I’m still soaking it all in.”

Terry nodded in understanding. He preferred to be left alone right now too. “Come back tomorrow. I’m sure she could use a laugh.”

Mike nodded and moved towards the door. “I’ll stay at your place till you’re ready to come home,” he offered.

“Thanks,” Terry replied reaching for his phone as it vibrated against his leg. He glanced at it and then re-pocketed it. “Lisa’s on her way.”

Mike nodded and then left the room without looking back at the bed.

character: luna lovegood, character: terry boot, character: michael corner, location: st. mungo's

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