Welcome home?

Nov 08, 2010 11:49

Terry pulled open the front door to his building and marched through, passing the door back to Mike. “Thanks,” Mike muttered at Terry’s heels. They were both cold. And wet.

“Jesus Christ, they still got the air conditioning on in here or something? It’s freezing,” Mike complained.

“It’s October, Corner. It’s cold everywhere at night.” Terry mumbled, very uncomfortable in his wet clothes. His jeans were stiff and sent a spasm of shock through his body everytime he moved.

“Mate, you weren’t in that pool for an hour. Don’t even complain to me right now.” Mike retaliated to Terry’s abruptness.

Terry turned on him. “No, but I didn’t get paid for it either. You’re girlfriend needs to check herself.”

“Check herself?” Mike snerked. “Who are you? Eminem?”

Terry’s face softened. “Who?”

Mike shook his head and moved past him. “And she’s not my girlfriend. For the record. For the millionth time.”

Terry laughed behind him.

Mike turned and stopped. “Got somethin’ to say?”

Terry made an amused face and moved past him this time. “Oh yeah. A lot actually.”

Mike scowled and stormed after him. He wasn’t sure if he should get into it with Terry right now because any argument on this subject always left him tongue tied.

They waited at the elevator while the doors opened. Terry grinned at Mike. Mike wanted to strangle him. The doors opened. “Say it,” Mike finally spat out. He followed Terry into the lift when he laughed again.

The doors closed and once again Mike faced Terry. “Well?” he challenged as Terry pressed the button for his floor.

“Let’s see,” Terry feigned looking at a watch on his wrist, “Do we really have the time? I mean it’s been two years now of hiding the sexual tension. Which came out in full force tonight.”

Mike’s jaw set. His breathing became heavier. “What are you talking about?” he practically growled, playing innocent.

Terry laughed out loud this time. “I wish you could see your face, Corner.” The lift stopped and the doors opened. Terry walked out, leaving Mike to stew and fume. He felt around in his pocket for his keys and walked down the hall.

Mike’s hands clenched into fists. He forgot about being wet and being cold. “Boot,” he called and stepped out of the lift. “This isn’t funny. There’s nothing going on between us. Drop it.” He followed a few paces behind Terry. If he was closer, he’d probably pull his wand on him. He hated being called out. And as much as he denied any feelings for Lisa, other than friendship, he had to admit tonight kind of left him high.

Terry worked the keys in his lock and eventually turned the knob, opening the door. “Fine,” he smiled, “We’ll all pretend Michael Corner isn’t crushing on his attractive roommate. Who, by the way, aches for him too.”

Ready for a rebuttal, Mike suddenly lost his voice.

Another chuckle emanated from Terry in addition to, “Trying to catch flies, Corner?”

Mike snapped his mouth shut.

The flat had grown dark as Terry hadn’t left any lights on when he had departed that afternoon. He dropped his keys on the counter, a habit he had gone back to with the absence of Luna. She had preferred he hang his keys on the rack by the door so he wouldn’t lose them. She had even made a keepsake reminder for him. It still hung there, dirtied from a year’s worth of dust.

Mike found his voice, though it sounded a bit defeated, as he sat on the arm of Terry’s sofa. “Don’t take your shit out on me cause you’re cold and wet,” he muttered crossing his arms over his chest to keep warm.

“I’m not. It’s all true.” He went to his room to grab Mike a change of clothes. Returning to the dark living room, he tossed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt on the back of the sofa for Mike to use. “Don’t waste your time, Corner. It could all change in an instant.” He wondered if Mike even knew he was talking about Lisa. He sighed, “Go shower. You can sleep with the dog.”

Luna stirred as Steven jumped off of her lap to greet Terry, blinking her eyes open slowly in the dark room. Her heart leapt as she heard Terry’s voice, and stopped when she heard Mike’s. They seemed to be arguing about something. She held her breath, trying to remain still as her mind raced over what she had planned to say to Terry and how she could never say any of it in front of Mike.

Mike stood from the sofa and went around to grab the clothes. “Yeah, thanks,” he said half-heartedly then suddenly jumped back as the dog ran across his feet. “Woah!” he reacted to the dog’s presence.

Terry bent down and stoked Derby’s head when he rubbed against his leg and whimpered. “I know mate, it’s just for tonight," he chided as if the dog whined for having been sentenced to sleeping with Mike.

Luna was sure that Mike could hear her heart pounding, and she felt her head grow cold as his damp seeped onto the sofa. What is wrong with you, Luna Lovegood? Stop hiding! Get up! This isn’t the time to be scared because you don’t want Mike to hear it. He’s heard it. Luna took a deep breath of resolve and finally moved to sit up, making out Terry and Mike’s outlines in the dim light. She softly cleared her throat, waiting for them to notice her presence.

Mike spun, his heart frozen for a second at the sound of an unknown presence. “Holy shit!” he cried, putting a hand to his heart, making sure it still worked. Even in the dark he could make out the petite blond sitting on the sofa directly behind him. “Christ almighty,” he grinned crookedly, “it’s Luna Lovegood!”

Terry had stood abruptly at Mike’s cry and saw the same sight in the same instance. “Luna?” His mouth battled with his mind, trying to figure out what he was trying to say aloud. “Wh-what are you... Whern?” The last word came out as a combination of Where and When.

Luna couldn’t help a smile at his flustered words. She stood, stretching discretely. She didn’t even bother looking at Mike, knowing he wanted to say something inappropriate, and this wasn’t about him anyway. Instead she looked intently at Terry and spoke softly, “I just got in today. Well, this afternoon....” She stood in the silence of the room for a few moments before speaking again. “I came straight here...you were out so I let myself in. You didn’t change the locks.” She stopped herself before she started to ramble.

“Why would I-” Terry started, but let that conversation go. His mind was reeling with too many other questions. “I haven’t talked to you in.... well a while. I... I’m shocked.”

Mike rested back against the sofa, arms crossed in a relaxed pose. What entertainment.

Luna smiled a bit, looking down for only a moment before looking back up at Terry. “I was going for surprised. I was going to write...or call....I just...I didn’t know what to say. And I was kind of scared you’d tell me not to bother.”

Mike looked at Terry. “Would you have?” he inquired.

Terry frowned at Mike. “Corner!” he hissed, “Stop dripping on my sofa. Go shower!”

Mike merely pushed himself from the back of the couch to keep from getting it wet and turned to face Luna.

Terry went on in a softer voice, focusing on Luna. “You caught me off guard. I kind of thought we were... done.” He hated saying that last word. Geez, a text from Mandy earlier today and now this? Who did he piss off in the fate department?

Luna shrugged, taking a few steps forward so Mike wasn’t in her peripheral vision, helping her to zone him out. “I didn’t think we’d decided that....not as a final decision. You said you needed time...” Her hands played with the hem of her shirt for a moment before she shoved them in the pockets of her jeans to still them. “Did I give you too much?”

Terry sighed. She looked so sad and he wasn’t at all ready for this. He thought they had just gone their separate ways after he hadn’t heard from her. He didn’t like that she wanted travel more than she wanted him. He finally spoke, “Over a year’s too much.”

Luna shielded her eyes as Mike turned on a lamp beside the sofa. She looked over at him for the first time, unable to keep Terry’s gaze at the moment. As she blinked she realized he was dripping wet, and a glance at Terry confirmed his condition was the same. Her heart caught in her throat as she caught sight of Terry’s wet hair and quickly looked at Mike again. “Why are you wet?” she asked in what was probably an overly-angry-mom tone, trying to focus on Mike for a moment while she gathered a reply for Terry.

Mike’s brow furrowed at her accusing voice, “Ask your man.”

Terry sighed in frustration. Mike was really starting to piss him off. He wished he hadn’t invited him back. Terry replied, looking at Mike, “Corner and his roommate were writhing a little too close to the pool.”

Mike’s jaw clenched. “It was a photoshoot,” he growled.

Terry shot back, “For Penthouse?”

Luna’s eyebrows raised, temporarily thrown by the response she got. “A photoshoot? Did I miss a major career change somewhere?” She looked back at Terry. “Were you writhing by the pool as well? You know what? I don’t think I even want to know,” she held up her hand as he began to explain. She looked at Mike again. “And...why are you here, exactly? Was it closer than your place?”

Mike was getting really tired of Terry’s insinuations about his relationship with Lisa and now Luna was attacking him. He cracked. “You know what, Lovegood? You miss a lot of shit when you’re off gallivanting around the world. Some of us have real problems, ya know. Don’t come back here and act like you run the place...” he wasn’t finished, he wanted to add something about her leaving Terry, but Luna’s glare showed that she wasn’t listening anymore... and that he might just get slapped.

Terry put a hand on Mike’s arm. “Corner...” he tried. He didn’t need Mike and Luna fighting his fight.

Shrugging off Terry, ugh, why was he so passive?, Mike took a step closer to Luna so she had to look up at him. And that look was practically daring him to go on. With pleasure. “You here to stay, or just pop in for a shag?”

Luna’s eyes narrowed, and she felt her anger starting to boil. “To begin with, Michael, if you think your little girl issues are real problems then you clearly have no idea what a real problem is. And second, that’s none of your damn business.” She looked back at Terry, her anger evident in her face. “You’ve got everyone so fucking worried about where I’ve been, and why I haven’t come back or been in touch. Which is really weird, because how many times did you visit me? Oh, right, none. How often did you call? Oh, yeah, I remember now, fucking never.” She held up her mobile phone and shook it at him. “Number hasn’t changed, owls still know where to find me. Or was I the only one supposed to put some effort into the relationship?” Luna seethed, pausing to catch her breath.

Mike looked at Terry. “Seriously, that just happened?”

Terry felt like he was going to jump out of his skin. His teeth clenched and his fingers turned to fists. How dare she? “Go shower,” he hissed at Mike, his eyes never leaving Luna.

As angry as Mike was, he knew it was between the two of them. He turned without looking at Luna and went to Terry’s bathroom.

“First of all,” Terry seethed, keeping his voice low so Mike wasn’t totally in tune with the argument, “I haven’t told everyone about our situation. People ask where you are. What the hell do you want me to say? Ask anyone, Luna, people start to question a relationship when the one person isn’t around for over a bloody year.” It took everything in him to hold his place and continue on. “Secondly... I have been to visit and it was quite cold. The company, not the location. I am quite sure you noticed.” Before she could reply, he added, his voice softer, “Your head is somewhere else.”

Luna frowned, still angry, and crossed her arms over her chest. “My head just has more things than you to concern itself with all the time usually. Look, I know I haven’t been the best...whatever I am to you. But it’s not like I had a whole lot of excitement to look forward to here. Where would we be, had I not gone? The same place we were three years ago? We were together for almost two years before I left and never once did you mention taking the next step in our relationship. Not even casually in a “Someday I wouldn’t mind...” kind of way. And if you were holding out for me to ask you then you picked the wrong girl, Terry.”

Luna’s words hurt. He didn’t know where they were coming from. She had never acted like this before. He was furious and defensive. It was Mandy all over again. “Where the hell do you get off yelling at me like this? If you didn’t want to come back, then you shouldn’t have. Things were going fine here without you,” he snapped. He turned from her wanting to get away, but the anger turned him back. He shoved a finger in her face. “And don’t think I didn’t notice the absence of the ring you used to wear around your neck. It’s fine if you want to appear available to every bloke you run into across these continents, but don’t you dare come in here and get on my case about commitment.”

Luna pursed her lips, staring at Terry, running out of things to say. She knew he was right. And he was all wet and dripping and angry and she wanted nothing more than to hug him and make up to him. As they glared at each other she held up her right hand, the ring firmly on her ring finger. “Actually, just the opposite. Maybe you’re right, though, I should go. I guess I just hoped there was something left. I don’t want to fight with you.” Her words came across coldly, though her heart felt like it might explode.

Terry refused to let his gaze shift to the ring. He saw it in his peripheral vision and his heart sank. She still had it. He wanted to take back everything he said about her never returning. Things weren’t fine without her. They were lonely and empty. His breathing slowed and his body relaxed from its rigid stance. But his walls were still up. His pride wouldn’t let him reach out and tell her to stay. “Fine,” he said. She started it after all.

Luna’s mouth turned down in a frown, though she fought it, and she looked anywhere but at him. She didn’t want him to know she still needed him. That she’d regret what she’d done for the rest of her life. “Fine. Tell Mike I said sorry. I’m sure his problems are real to him.” She moved to grab her bag by the sofa and finally looked at Terry again. “I guess I’ll see you around,” she said, shouldering her bag. “You should get dry or you’ll get sick,” she said, moving to the door. She paused to hang his keys on the key rack, smiling a bit when she saw her “Put me back on the rack” tag still hanging there. “Goodbye, Terry,” she said quietly, opening the door.

Terry didn’t move to follow her. He could barely look at her. Derby, who had taken comfort on the sofa again, hopped off and followed Luna to the door. “Derby, sit,” he told the dog, his voice commanding, as Derby was the only thing he could control in his world right now. His pride, still in the way, stopped him from blocking the door from Luna’s escape. He wouldn’t chase after her again. “Bye, Luna.”

He stared at the door in a daze when she left. He heard the shower turn off, bringing him back to reality. What just happened?

Luna walked down the hall, her heart breaking with every step away from Terry’s door. Maybe if I begged him...no, Luna. Not going to happen. You already did that once, and here’s where it got you. You don’t need his pity. The heck I don’t. I don’t care what I get from him, I just need him.... She pressed the down button on the lift, not paying much attention as tears filled her eyes. Just turn around, go back, he’ll understand....someday. I can’t believe he thought I’d cheated on him. Like I’d ever. He’s the one with the history of cheating. I wonder how many girls he’s been shagging since I’ve been gone. “I need time...” Sure, Terry. Time, have time. But not too much! God, I’m an idiot. She rode down in the elevator, arguing with herself the whole time. I guess I’ll just...keep going. Yes, because that worked out so well the first time. Without Terry though....there’s nothing to keep me here. I’m kind of tired of going. I was ready to stay for a while. Guess I’ll have to find somewhere else to stay too. Why’d it have to go like that? Why’d you yell? You never yell! It’s not like you to do that. And he thinks you’re all like Mandy, telling him he needs to propose. He’ll propose when he’s good and damn ready, Luna. To...whoever he’s going to propose to. She shook her head as she pushed open the door of the lobby and stepped out onto the busy sidewalk. She couldn’t see through the tears, couldn’t hear anything over the realization that she’d just thrown away the thing she’d always wanted. Away. I have to get away. As far away as I can. Luna knew she’d have to cross the street to catch a cab to the airport and she stepped off the sidewalk without even looking, intent on hurrying across and getting out of there. She didn’t even hear the car’s brakes before it hit her.

Mike had walked out of Terry’s bathroom and through his room, running the towel through his hair. His skin was red from the super hot water he had stood under for the past ten minutes. He passed by Terry sitting on the sofa in the living room, Luna-less. “Boot,” he had said in simple acknowledgement and continued on to the guest room. In the shower, he had had time to think about what he said to Luna, among other things...Lisa. Maybe he had overreacted, just a touch. He had kind of hoped Luna would still be there, but it didn’t seem so. He dropped the towel onto the bed and as he was about to put Terry’s shirt on he heard a sudden screech just below his window. It was so loud, it sounded like it was in the room. He pulled the shirt over his head and went over to the open window to see what jackass had practically killed himself trying to avoid a stray cat or drunk pedestrian. What he saw made his stomach drop. A blonde layed in the street while a freaked out driver danced in circles around her trying to call for help. A familiar saddle-brown bag, complete with a yellow ribbon tied to the strap lay a few feet from the body.

Terry turned on the sofa as Mike burst from the room cursing the gods. He hadn’t even heard the car as he was lost in his own head. Mike looked freaked out and he was staring at him bug-eyed. “Corner, wh-what? Calm down.”

Mike simply grabbed Terry by the arm and dragged him off the sofa. “Luna’s hurt,” his voice cracked.

Terry tried to meet Mike’s eyes, but his voice gave away the seriousness of the situation. “What?” He didn’t wait for a reply. He jumped towards the door and swung it open leaving Mike well behind as he dashed down the hall. He didn’t bother with the lift as it always moved at a snail’s pace. He took the stairs two, three, at a time and in seconds was out the front door and on the street.

Mike was a few steps behind. He had grabbed his cell phone from the table and dialed the emergency number as he chased after his friend.

Nick had just reached his building when he heard the screech of the brakes and an unfamiliar thud. He looked around just in time to see a small blonde landing in the intersection. He turned quickly, rushing over to her as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialling 999, his heart pounding. I’ve never seen anyone die, he thought as he looked down at the woman. She looked familiar...no...he’d just seen her a few hours before! “Yes, hello, there’s been an accident, a woman’s been hit,” Nick continued to talk to the operator as he gingerly felt Luna’s wrist for a pulse. His heart soared when he felt one, even though it was faint. He had no idea what to do for her though.

“Alright, Sir, we’ve got an ambulance on the way. Is she breathing?”

“Yeah, I think so, she’s got a pulse. Yeah, she’s breathing.”

“Okay, sir, the most important thing you have to remember is not to move her. She could have a spinal injury that could worsen with movement, so do not move her. Don’t even put something under her head. The ambulance will be there in just a moment”

Nick had stopped paying attention as someone tried to push through the crowd and Terry emerged. “Boot...”

“Nick!” Terry rushed to Luna and fell to his knees beside Nick. “What happened?!” He shook his head in disbelief. “No... no, what happened?!” He looked at Nick for answers.

Mike came up behind Terry, hanging up his phone after confirming with the emergency team that help was on the way. He stayed back. He didn’t want to crowd them. Jesus... he thought to himself.

Nick shook his head and looked down at Luna, then over at the older woman who had been driving the car and was currently having a mental breakdown it looked like. He finally looked over at Terry, still shaking his head. “I dunno, mate, I was about to go in and I heard the brakes and I looked and...I don’t know...”

He looked up as he heard sirens and stood, looking for what he hoped was an ambulance. He saw it making it’s way slowly through traffic up the street. “Jesus Christ, get your asses out of the way people!” He knelt again and held his hands out over Luna. “The lady said don’t move her.”

Mike marched into the crowd of people, shouting orders law enforcement style, making them part like the Red Sea. It was strange how easily it worked even without a uniform. People are like goddamn cattle, he told himself. He held the crowd back until the vehicles got through then he followed, needing to see Luna.

Terry was gripping Nick’s shoulder tightly, not even realizing it. Nick either didn’t notice or didn’t mind. He seemed to somehow know what to do and for that Terry was thankful. He himself was freaking out inside. “Why didn’t I just tell her to stay....?,” he kept repeating to himself, “this is all my fault.” With his other hand he touched her leg. He hoped she knew he was there.

Mike was waving the EMTs over to where Luna layed. He wished they would get a bloody move on, but he held his tongue. Why did it seem like people were moving through molasses when the situation affected you directly?! Once the first guy was out of the back of the truck with his equipment, Mike took off to Luna. The guy followed at his heels.

Nick pulled Terry back as the EMTs began to work on her, putting a brace around her neck and checking her vitals. “What’s going on? Is she going to be okay?”

“Sir, just stand back, we’re doing everything we can.” The EMT’s words were firm and Nick took another step back, pulling a reluctant Terry with him.

“Well, where are you taking her?” Nick asked, already looking around for a cab.

“Royal London,” the EMT said, pulling Luna’s eyes open and looking in them with a light. “Alright, let’s get her there quick,” he said to his partner, counting to three before lifting her onto the gurney and hurrying back to the ambulance.

“Come on, Boot, we’ll follow them,” Nick said, tugging on Terry’s arm as he stared after Luna.

Terry shook his head, “No. I’m riding with her.”

character: luna lovegood, character: terry boot, character: michael corner, plot: homecoming, character: nick goldberg, location: terry's flat

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