The plot thickens: Millicent controls Percy

Oct 14, 2007 19:15

Who: Millicent (Bethany Roberts) and Percy Weasley
What: The plot thickens. Percy is under Millicent's control
Where: The Minister's office - The Ministry of Magic
When: Morning
Why?: Because I'm trying to move the plot along. PLEASE READ THIS. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO PLOT!

Millicent pulled back, letting the Cruciatus Curse do the work. Percy Weasley was becoming easier to control and that was just the thing that she wanted to see happening. The entire Mininstry in chaos.

"I'm impressed with how quickly you've given in, Weasley," Millicent drawled. She circled him, brushing her wand along his cheek. "You really should think about how this is going to affect your reputation once everyone knows I'm the power in charge.

Percy groaned, but didn't reply.

"Crucio!" Millicent cried, hitting him with the curse again.

Percy whimpered and jerked on the floor in front of his desk for a few moments before Millicent withdrew.

"Maybe next time you'll think before you send another raid on Theo's shop," she said circling him again. "You will never find what you're looking for, Weasley because it's right under your nose.

"Now," she said, pointing her wand at him again. "Imperio! You will cancel all of the raids on Knockturn Alley and you will announce that there is to be a Halloween ball at the Ministry this year. The entire staff is to attend. No exceptions."

"You will send out the invitations and post them immediately," she said, watching the dreamy expression come into his eyes.

"Yes," he said, pushing his glasses up onto his face. "There will be a Halloween ball at the Ministry this year, Miss Roberts. Have the invitations drawn up if you don't mind. And tell the Auror department to cancel all the raids on Knockturn Alley. We've found nothing there in the past few weeks, so there's no need in continuing them. And bring me a cup of coffee if you don't mind."

Millicent nodded, tucking her wand into her robes as she left Percy in a trance-like state.

"Of course, Minister," she replied, shutting the door behind herself. This was going to be a very amusing Halloween indeed.

percy/bethany, morning, rp, ministry of magic, status: complete

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