Lisa prepares to go on a date

Jul 20, 2007 02:47

Hair, check. Makeup, check. Outfit... eh, good as it gets. Shopping tomorrow. Lisa looked at herself in her mirror, surveying her appearance. She had to laugh at herself, she hasn't felt this vain for a very long time.

Duncan was back in town and they had promised to get together once he got back from Australia. Lisa had gotten over her cold and she was dying to get out and have some fun away from the flat, away from nagging visitor Terry, away from her stupid roommate. In fact, she hasn't been this excited about going out that she even broke out her sexy lingerie to mark the occasion.

She looked down at her feet. She needed shoes. She needed to accesorize. By Jove, she's never acted more like a girl since Fashion Week in Italy back in 2004. Lisa looked for her boots that she was particularly fond of, finding only the left foot. It was frustrating, Duncan would be here to pick her up soon and she wasn't ready.

"Mike!" She called out as she stepped out of her room, "Have you seen my boot?"

mike/lisa, rp, evening, status: complete, mike's flat

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