Mike and Susan: The next morning

Jul 17, 2007 23:10

Susan rolled over onto her side, curling up into the warm body next to her. It was when she realized she was somewhere other than her bed that she woke up and opened her eyes. The morning sun was shining in the window, showing that it was still early morning.

She smiled softly to herself as she reached over to brush the hair falling into Mike's face away from his eyes. She thought about leaving without waking him, but knew it would be rude of her. She softly kissed his cheek as she used to and whispered in his ear.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," she said with a grin.

Mike turned his face into the pillow with a barely audible noise. He was no longer on top of the covers as he had been when he went to bed, but he was still in his swimming trunks.

"Mike," she said, poking him in the side. "Wake up."

He wasn't used to sleeping with anyone in a long time and pushed her hand away to roll from her. "Stop...'" he whined not realizing it was her.

"I'm leaving," she said, poking him in the side again.

After a silent moment he rolled to his back. "Hmm?" He rubbed his eyes, finding it hard to open them. He turned his head to her and through squinted eyes saw her. "Susan," he croaked out, "I'm sorry."

"I almost didn't remember coming in here last night when I woke up," she said as she plopped back against the pillows.

He looked up at her, shielding his eyes from any excess light in the room. "You came up early." He was silent for a moment trying to place himself then motioned to the nightstand to her left. "Hand me my wand?"

Susan reached for his wand and handed it to him. "Yeah, I'm a bit of a light weight, if you remember," she said with a slight laugh.

Mike cast a shadowing spell over the windows and the room was darker. The bathroom light was out, not that he remembered it being on, but Susan must have gotten up in the middle of the night to turn it off after she pulled the covers from under Mike to lay them over top of him. He had been shivering slightly.

He relaxed back into his pillow when the room went darker. "Better. What time is it?"

"I have no idea," she said, but looked down at her watch. "It's around 9 a.m. if I'm reading my watch correctly."

"Nine am... Sunday... kay." He rolled towards her and threw his leg over hers, closing his eyes again.

"Some people do have things to do on Sundays," she said, patting his cheek with a grin.

"Sleep comes to mind," he said groggily.

"I've got to go pick up Robbie at some point," she replied, closing her eyes.

His voice was muffled in the pillow. "Some point mean now or later?" He shifted closer to her, enjoying her body heat.

"More later than now," she said, snuggling against him. "I'm much too comfortable to move right now."

He moved his face close to hers, his nose against her cheek. "I'm a comfortable guy."

"My own special teddy bear," she teased, rubbing her nose against his.

His eyes were still closed in the darkness, but he lifted his chin to kiss her assuming her mouth was only an inch away. He gave her only a soft kiss, planning on getting back to sleep, but when he did, some strange memories collected in his head. Why did he think of Lisa when he kissed her? He reached his hand up to her cheek, sliding his fingers back in her hair and kissed her again innocently. He pushed Lisa out of his mind.

Susan smiled as she kissed him back, slowly and brushed his hair from his forehead as she pulled back to look at him. "I had a good time at the party," she said, giving him a smile.

Mike's head was back on the pillow. "Grand," he smiled back though he could only hear her smile in the dark through her words. "Sorry about canceling Friday. Just got home later than I thought."

"It's fine," she said. "I had to work a little later than I thought anyway. And I had to take something to Robbie at Mum and Dad's."

Mike made a noise of acknowledgment and said nothing else. He started to fall back to sleep.

"Just like old times, you get a kiss and fall asleep," she said, nuzzling his neck.

He reached out for her arm and pulled it under him, cradling it to his chest. He wanted to go back to sleep, but wanted her to know he wanted her to stay.

"You know you can ask me to stay, you don't have to trap me," she teased, kissing his cheek.

He nodded into the pillow. "Kay." He sniffed, his nose seemed stuffy. "Just don't wake me when you leave. I wanna sleep for a day."

"I'll have to wake you to get you off my arm," she said, snuggling up against him, putting her arm over his waist as she closed her eyes and started to fall asleep again.

"Kay," he replied again and drifted back to sleep with her draped over him.

A few hours later, Susan jerked awake after having the weirdest dream ever. She calmed down as soon as she felt Mike beside her. She had always had strange dreams, but nothing like the one that just woke her up. All she could remember was Lisa and Mike together and her being very unhappy about it. She knew if that happened in real life, it would break her heart all over again even if they were getting to know each other again.

She shifted against him, wincing when she realized that he was still holding onto her. Her arm was under his head now instead of his body and really hated to wake him up just to get out of the bed.

"Mike...I should go, I'm sure it's at least noon now," she said, caressing his cheek before she moved her arm from under his head.

Mike's eyes opened. For a moment, again, he had forgotten Susan was there. "Huh? Yeah.... alright." He shifted, releasing her arm and sat up slightly. "Thanks for coming," he told her in a bit of a daze. The spell was still cast and the room was very dark.

"I'll call you later and check up on you," she said, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. She sat up on her side of the bed, straightening out her rumpled clothes as best she could and running her fingers through her hair to fix her bed head.

He watched her a moment, though he couldn't really see her, then layed back down. "Yeah sure," he yawned. He felt the bed shift slightly when she stood and could hear her moving around to find her purse. He would've taken the spell off so she could see a little better if he knew where he had dropped his wand, but he didn't. "Sorry," he said, though he wasn't about to get up and flip the light switch on. The purse couldn't be that far. She'd find it. As he closed his eyes he told himself, If she doesn't find it in the next minute I'll get up...

Susan held out her hand, calling her wand to her. She had learned the wandless spell in her last year at Hogwarts so she wouldn't be totally defenseless if something happened to her wand. She cast a quick Lumos and cast it around the room until she found where she'd tossed her bag the night before.

She picked it up and muttered Nox to put out the light as she opened the door.

"Sorry about the light," she said. "I'll see you..."

Mike rolled to his stomach, his mouth pressed into the pillow once again. "Bye, doll," he drawled.

birthday, morning, mike/susan, pool party

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