Lisa visits St. Mungo's

Jul 02, 2007 01:17

Lisa walked in through the window of Purge and Dowse, Ltd., to St. Mungo's. She was a woman on a mission, some might say it's an impossible mission but Lisa had to do it out of the kindness of her heart... even if it might blow up in her face. She marched up to the receptionist's desk, Patricia was working again. So good to see her ( Read more... )

character: susan bones, time: afternoon, character: mandy brocklehurst, character: lisa turpin, location: st. mungo's

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huffle_sus July 2 2007, 08:49:09 UTC
Susan was making her rounds through the ward, checking on patients that could be signed out soon for minor injuries.

She looked up from her clipboard and frowned as she saw a farmiliar face heading into the ward.

"Lisa?" she asked as she left the clipboard and started toward her. "What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"


assuesco July 2 2007, 08:55:22 UTC
Lisa didn't have to go very far to find Susan, especially when she came directly towards her. Her question gave her many openings, Lisa spent a minute deciding just how she would reply. 'Mike's partner called just now, thought I'd tell you that he died during his training.' was her favorite so far.

"What? No, it's all good." She almost had to sigh, Lisa was too nice for her own good. "I just came to talk to you... are you busy?"


huffle_sus July 2 2007, 08:57:23 UTC
Susan furrowed her brow and nodded. "What'd you want to talk about?" she asked as she led the way back out of the ward.


assuesco July 2 2007, 09:01:48 UTC
Lisa hooked her thumb on the two front loops of her jeans, following Susan out. "Nothing serious, just wondering if you're free on Saturday."

Maybe what Lisa had to say was possibly serious, and it could possibly be seen as Lisa being terribly delusional. It was a little awkward, she's never had a real conversation with Susan before, even in school.


huffle_sus July 2 2007, 09:10:51 UTC
"I am," she replied, as she held the door to her office open. "Any reason why you'd want to know that?"


assuesco July 2 2007, 11:43:29 UTC
Was it just Lisa or does Susan seem a little protective? Hostile even? Down, girl, let's be civil now. She entered her office, must be nice to have a little room with a desk... and a pile of papers, every grown up's dream. Her office seemed cozy; picture frames on her bookshelf of a little kid and some people Lisa only assumed to be friends, framed certificates to show her status as a medic, and a bowl of candy on her desk that looked most inviting.

She took a seat in one of the chairs before Susan's desk, taking a chocolate frog. She opened it, grabbing the chocolate before it jumped away. "D'you still remember when Mish's birthday is?" She put the candy in her mouth, looking at the trading card to see who she got.


huffle_sus July 2 2007, 17:33:42 UTC
Susan took a seat behind her desk, finally relaxing a bit when Lisa came to the point of her visit.

"It's Saturday," she replied, leaning back in her chair.


assuesco July 2 2007, 17:49:09 UTC
The famous wizard on her card was Paracelsus, pity it wasn't Harry Potter, she didn't have his card. Lisa collected all the chocolate frog cards that were out when she was younger, and now they're probably gathering dust in her parents' attic.

"Nice memory." Lisa looked up to meet Susan's eyes, "We're having a birthday party, for Mike, Terry and myself. Mike'll probably like it if you were there."


huffle_sus July 3 2007, 06:11:18 UTC
"Count me in, then," she said, giving Lisa a smile as she leaned back in her chair. "I suppose this means I should get him something. Any tips?"


assuesco July 3 2007, 07:04:37 UTC
She watched Susan, if she leaned back any more on her chair she just might fall over. Too bad Mike wasn't here, he'll miss the chance to get a glimpse of her knickers under those healer's robes.

"I had a hell of a time buying him his present and I'm his best mate. Do a little pole dance for him, it'll be the best birthday present ever." She joked, but she didn't know if Susan caught on to it. Her voice didn't give off the fact that she was making a joke... it was more sarcastic than anything. "As for me and Terry..." She added, it was their birthday celebration too. "Eh, you can give us some hangover potions. We're gonna need them."


huffle_sus July 3 2007, 07:14:19 UTC
"Fair enough," she replied, amused more than annoyed with Lisa at the moment.

"I might as well bring enough for everyone. Hangover and headache potions, that is," she said after a few moments of thought.

"Need anything else for this grand party?"


assuesco July 3 2007, 07:42:56 UTC
"Just sayin', you're the one who's done the intimate thing with him. You might have a better idea of his... needs." She smiled at her, folding her hands over her stomach. Lisa hoped she wasn't coming off as rude, it's just that with Ms. Doctor sitting in front of her with a desk between them... it made Lisa feel like she was in the Headmaster's office. It made her uncomfortable, the last time she was in an office with an authority figure (excluding Jerry, he's a pushover) was when she got fired from her teaching job in America.

Then again, the person in front of her wasn't helping making things easier with her 'I have better things to do than to talk to you' attitude.

"Thanks, it'd be awesome if you sent them beforehand so I can have Terry put it in a Party Goodie Bag. I think Luna's bringing some stuff from her shop, God bless that girl."


huffle_sus July 3 2007, 19:48:58 UTC
"Sure," she said, picking up her planner and making herself a note. If she didn't, she'd never remember. "I'll send them over tomorrow."


assuesco July 3 2007, 23:32:17 UTC
"You're a peach, Susan Boner. If this little tête à tête keeps up, you're gonna end up being my crack dealer." Oh go easy on her, Lisa. She's used to the blood and guts but not the blunt knife that is yourself. She's Mike's 彼女 now.

Lisa stood from her seat, she didn't want to take up any more of Susan's time. she pulled out the invitation from her back pocket and put it down on Susan's desk. "Anyways, good to see ya. And I'll see you again Saturday night."


huffle_sus July 4 2007, 05:28:51 UTC
"I'll be there," Susan replied, ignoring what Lisa had called her. She could never tell if she was teasing or being serious. Or better yet trying to get under her skin. "With bells on."


assuesco July 4 2007, 16:25:44 UTC
Ah ha the girl has a sense of humor! Lisa was surprised, maybe they just might become friends in the future. And if she actually did come in stripper attire, well... get your freak on, sister.

She jerked her thumb back over her shoulder. "Don't get up, I'll show myself out." She smiled, turning around and walking towards the door. She opened the door and stepped out of Susan's office.


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