Hannah and Susan log

Jun 28, 2007 16:37

Backdated to Saturday

Josh, come on, hold still!" Hannah said to her son, who was wiggling under her touch.

"No Mommy! I wanna go now!"

Hannah sighed and shook her head, pulling the shirt down over his head. "Well you can't go without clothes."

Smiling, Josh just looked at her, as if he wanted to say "Yes I can."

"Come on, baby," Hannah said, picking him up and grabbing her purse before apparating them outside of the ice cream shop, where she was going to meet Susan.

Taking a seat on a bench outside of the door, she sat with Josh as they waiting for Susan and her godson to show up.

Susan came down Diagon Alley with Robbie at her side. As soon as he caught sight of Hannah and Josh, he took off running.

She shook her head at him, not bothering to yell at him again for running down the Alley.

"Hey," Susan said as she took a seat beside Hannah and gave her a hug before she pushed her sunglasses up on her nose. "How're you doing?"

Returning the hug, Hannah quickly shot a glance at Josh, already in deep conversation with Robbie. "You stay here, understand? Don't go running off."

Josh just smiled before returning back to his friend, giving his mother his best innocent look.

"I'm exhausted," she told Susan. "One of the other girls has been sick at the Leaky, so Tom's been having me work double shifts and really strange hours. What about you?"

"Don't even ask, I've had the week from hell," she replied with a groan, keeping her eye on Robbie. "I saw Mike again recently..."

"I've got one that can beat that," Hannah said with a grin. "Steven, Josh's father came by the flat a few days ago."

Shaking her head, she looked back up at Susan. "But never mind that. How did it go?"

"I'm taking that that didn't go over so well?" Susan asked with a frown.

"Well, I ran into him on Diagon and then Lisa Turpin brought him into the emergency. He was...really messed up. Some guys had put a pretty good beating to him. I'm sure he didn't like me seeing him like that, but it's not as if I haven't seen him that way before. I just...I miss him, Hannah. And I still love him, but it seems as if he's got something going with Lisa even though he told me she was just his roommate," she said all this, not bothering to take a breath.

"Not going well is the understatement of the century," she groaned. "Thank Merlin I was heading off to work, so Josh was at the babysitter's. He said some awful things."

Hannah frowned and took Susan's hand and squeezed it. "I'm sorry Susan. I know it must hurt. But it'll work out. It has to. You should owl him or go see him."

"I don't know why you still deal with that jerk," she replied. "If it had been me, I would've just kicked him out if Josh wasn't there."

"I know," she sighed, brushing her hair from her face. "I just don't know what to do about him. I want to see him and get to know him again, but I don't know if he still loves me or even wants to see me."

"I tried that. He was blocking the door when I tried to leave. And you know I don't like using magic on Muggles. But he just doesn't understand the part when I told him I never wanted to see him again." Rolling her eyes, she rubbed her temples. "Stupid bloody wanker."

Hannah offered an encouraging smile. "That's why you need to go see him. Tell him how you feel."

"It's a shame we can't do that, isn't it?" she replied.

"As for me going to see him, I'd rather not," she said, biting her bottom lip. "I told him I'd like to catch up, so I think that's good enough for now."

"Well, for him I'm thinking about making an exception if he shows up again."

Smiling, she nodded. "Well at least you've got someone you're after. Only man in my life is right over there."

As if on cue, Josh ran up and jumped in Hannah's lap. "Mommny? Aunt Susan? Can we get ice cream?"

"Come on," Susan said, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure we both have the most boring love lives ever. I can't even tell you the last time I went on a date."

Robbie bounded over after Josh and came to a stop in front of her. "Icecream?" he asked, giving Susan his famous puppy-dog face.

"Oh all right," she said. "It's a bit hot out anyway."

Setting Joshua down from her lap, Hannah stood and took his hand, leading them into the shop. "I'll bet your last date was more recent than mine."

After ordering a cone for her son and a cup for herself, she stood off to the side while Susan ordered. "Oh, have you heard from Zach lately? He stopped by the Leaky a while back, but I haven't seen him in a long time."

"I'll bet not," she replied as she followed Robbie inside and up to the counter.

She ordered a cup for herself and Robbie and handed his to him with a smile.

"Thank you," he said, giving her a big grin as he sat down at a table near the counter with Josh.

"I've not talked to him in a while," she replied with a frown as she took a seat. "We were going to meet up sometime, but I suppose he's been busy."

Setting a couple of napkins down in front of Josh, and hoping he'd use them, Hannah sat down at a table next to the boys. "I suppose so, it's just been a while since we've all been together. We really should all get together sometime. He was asking me about Josh when I saw him."

"Yeah it has," she replied with a slight smirk. "Zach and I have this strange past...sometimes I think he understands me more than most guys."

"Didn't you date him for a while, back in school?" Hannah asked, taking a bite off her spoon.

"Yeah," she replied with a fond smile. "And we've been best friends ever since. You know...I always thought you and Justin had a thing going...and you weren't telling me about it."

Laughing, Hannah shook her head to say no. "Me and Justin? No way. We were just friends. I mean he was cute but. . . no. Actually. . . I had a bit of a crush on Zach."

"Are you kidding me?" Susan said, her spoon halfway to her mouth. "Why didn't you say something? I never would've dated him if I'd known you liked him."

"Don't worry about it," Hannah said with a laugh. "It's not like I was madly in love with him. Besides, he didn't feel the same about me."

"How do you know if you've never talked to him about it?" she asked, taking a bite of her ice cream.

"Well, he was dating you, for one thing," Hannah said, still smiling. "And he never really acted like he wanted to date me or anything like that. You know?"

"Zach is extremely secretive about who he likes and doesn't," she replied, swirling her spoon around in her cup of ice cream. "For all you know, he could have been pining away for you."

"Really? And how would you know that?" Hannah asked, taking a bite off her spoon.

"I don't," she replied with a shrug. "But it is possible."

Hannah shrugged as well and peeked around Susan to check on the boys. "I guess we'll never know, will we?"

"Never say never," she replied with a laugh before taking another bite of her ice cream. "Things happen."

"See, now you're acting like you know something," Hannah grinned, pointing her spoon at Susan.

"I promise I don't," she replied. "I'm just saying people can surprise you, so don't say never."

Rolling her eyes, Hannah finished off her last bite of ice cream. "Yes, mother."

Susan laughed. "I can't help it if I've got a motherly way about it," she said, swirling her spoon around. "It's Robbie's fault for coming into my life. I don't know what I'd do without him now. He makes life hard sometimes, but I wouldn't trade him for anything."

"I have the same attitude about Josh sometimes," Hannah said fondly. "I mean, I hate Steven with a passion. But I don't know what I would do if I'd never met him and he'd never given me that beautiful baby."

"You'd have met someone else and been married by now," she said, finishing off her ice cream. "With kids just like him...well maybe not, but you might be happier. Who knows since we can't go back and change time."

"You're probably right. I might've been married," she agreed. "But I don't know about happier. I can't even remember when I've been happier, than when I'm sitting at home, reading to him, or tucking him in bed."

"It's great to have someone that you can take care of and dote on," she replied, sitting back in her chair. "Though Robbie doesn't let me do that as much now."

Hannah nodded and wiped her lips. "I'm starting to know how that feels. Josh is getting to where he wants to do a lot for himself now. I dread the day when he won't need me anymore."

"They'll always need us somehow," she replied with a smile. "They're our little boys."

"Yeah, but I want to play mommy forever," she said. "I always want to help him get dressed, and bathed, and fed, and everything. . . maybe I just need to have another baby."

"You will one day when you find the right guy," she replied with a laugh. "And maybe I'll get to have one of my own in a few years too."

"Maybe I'll talk to Zach," Hannah laughed. "Maybe he'd be willing to help."

"You never know," she replied with a grin. "I'm sure the kids would be gorgeous."

"Any kids he would have would be gorgeous," she agreed. Noticing Josh and Robbie getting restless, Hannah called them over. "You done sweetie?" Josh nodded in answer, so Hannah picked up another napkin and began cleaning him off.

"Robbie, wipe your face," Susan said, trying not to laugh at her godson.

Robbie gave her a mock-glare and wiped his mouth and chin. "Can we go back out for a few minutes, Aunt Susan?"

"If Hannah says it's okay," she replied, picking up her empty cup and Robbie's as she walked to the trash bin.

"Of course it's alright," Hannah said, finishing cleaning Josh off.

"Come on then," she said, taking Robbie's hand and leading him out of the ice cream parlor. "Just a few minutes and then we have to go see your grandparents."

She took a seat on the bench again, waiting for Hannah to join her as she put her shades back on.

Leading Josh out, Hannah let him follow after Robbie as she took the seat next to Susan. "We need to do this more often."

"We should," she replied with a smile. "Once a week maybe?"

"Definitely once a week," Hannah smiled. "And maybe we could all three go out sometime. You, me, and Zach. Get everyone back together."

"Of course," she replied. "There's a club I've been wanting to check out. I've heard rave reviews about it."

"Then we'll set a date to do it," Hannah said with a grin.

"It'll have to be after next week," she replied. "I've got several late shifts."

"And Tom'll have my head if I try and take any time off soon. One of the girl's got sick a few weeks ago and it's been spreading."

"I hope you don't get it," she said with a frown. "But if you start to feel sick or if Josh has any symptoms of it, let me know and I'll come over."

"Okay," Hannah replied. "We've been doing well so far. It's just spreading through the cleaning crew and nightshift right now, but we think it may head to the bar soon. We don't even know what it is."

"Sounds serious," Susan said as she glanced out at the boys who were playing on the swings near them for the moment. "I'll see if I can look into it. I'll contact Tom and see what he knows about it and if any of his employees have been to the hospital."

Hannah smiled and nodded. "That would be really nice of you. And if Tom gives you any trouble about getting information, let me know. He's notorious for not wanting to tell anyone anything."

"Don't worry," she replied. "I can get the information I want. I have my ways."

"Then maybe I'll have to warn him," Hannah laughed.

"Don't. It won't work if you do that!" she teased with a grin.

Hannah laughed again, then looked at her watch. "I should probably be heading back," she said. "I've got to get Josh to the sitter's and get ready for work."

Susan looked at her watch. "Yeah, we've got to get to my parents so I can leave Robbie there for a few days. I've got to work nights for the rest of the week."

"Oh the woes of single working women with children," Hannah said with a dry laugh, motioning for the boys to come back over.

"Come on, Robbie," Susan said as she got up. "Don't hesitate to owl me if you need anything, Hans."

She gave her friend a hug and took Robbie's hand. "We'll see you next week sometime. I'll let you know when I'm off."

"Absolutely. I can't wait," Hannah said, returning the hug.

"See you," she said, nudging Robbie.

"Bye Hannah. See you, Josh," Robbie said as he headed off down the alley with Susan.

"Bye!" Josh called, waving.

"See you later," Hannah said, picking Josh up and carrying him down the opposite way to their flat.

afternoon, rp, hannah, diagon alley, susan

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