Half-Blood Prince 29: The Phoenix Lament

Jul 16, 2007 18:29

In which Harry enters the hospital wing and learns that he body he stepped over during the battle was Bill, who was not killed but ravaged by Greyback. Those assembled at Bill's bedside--Order members McGonagall, Lupin, and Tonks especially--are devastated by the news of Dumbledore's death and Snape's betrayal. They all recount the battle, each admitting that they did not remember what side Snape had joined. Hermione and Ginny, put on guard to watch Snape, let him escape when he reported that Flitwick had collapsed.

Fleur arrives with the elder Weasleys and declares that her love for Bill hasn't changed, despite the attack. This declaration sparks a reconciliation with Molly and an outburst from Tonks, who apparently has been turned down several times by Lupin, who thinks that he is "too old..too poor..too dangerous" for her. (624)

McGonagall invites Harry into her office and asks him to recount the day's events to her, but Harry replies that information is not to be shared. McGonagall assembles the heads of houses to discuss whether Hogwarts should open next year. They decide that the school will remain open for the students to attend Dumbledore's funeral.

Harry returns to the dorm to tell Ron that the Horcrux he and Dumbledore had discovered was a fake. Fawkes, who has been lamenting Dumbledore's death all this time, finally falls silent.

Previous chapter: Half-Blood Prince 28: The Flight of the Prince
Next chapter: Half-Blood Prince 30: The White Tomb
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