Half-Blood Prince 27: The Lightning Struck Tower

Jul 15, 2007 00:52

In which Harry and Dumbledore return to Hogsmeade to find the Dark Mark illuminated over Hogwarts. Upon their arrival in the Astronomy Tower, Draco corners the ill Dumbledore, but Dumbledore has immobilized Harry under the invisibility cloak.

When Dumbledore questions Draco, Draco explains that he has been set the task of killing Dumbledore by the Dark Lord. He tells of repairing the Vanishing Cabinet to create a portal through its brother in Borgin and Burke's, and Dumbledore deduces that Rosmerta has been under the Imperius Curse.

When Draco fails to kill him, Dumbledore offers Draco an amnesty of sorts, telling him that Voldemort cannot kill him and his family if he thinks them already dead. Before Draco has time to consider this, four Death Eaters storm the room. Finally, Snape arrives, and after Dumbledore utters the words "Severus, please", Snape kills Dumbledore using the Avada Kedavra curse.

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