Muggle world
Name : Molly
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Seattle, Washington
Likes: Books, mostly. Ender's Game, currently. And I know this is awful, but I love school. Especially studying languages and roots and history. There is just something about the ancients that draws my curiosity and I know that I want to focus my collegiate study around languages. I also love lemonade, kraft mac n' cheese, shopping at Wallmart at 3:30 am, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, driving my car, and watching black and white movies.
Dislikes: Vegetables. Can't stand most of them, though I give a pass to green beans. I don't like to gossip, or people that rely on gossip as a means to make friends or gain popularity. Awkward small talk makes me cringe, both inwardly and outwardly. I like things to be straight forward and as uncomplicated as possible, and none of this pretentious bullhonkey.
Hobbies: I read a lot, not as much as I used to due to unfortunate time constraints the invariably show up as you become more of an adult. (Man, having a real job really cuts back on leisure time, doesn't it?) Volleyball and softball take up an alarming chunk of my "free" time. I play both year round, both for college. I also sit at my computer a lot, and can also be found watching one of my gajillions of TV shows during the night. Oh, and getting tattoos. I think that counts as a hobby.
Strengths: I am organized, I am sometimes confident but modest when I need to be. I think I adapt well to situations that are outside of my control, and I keep my faith in times of trouble. I know how to improve my lot in life and I know what needs to be done for me to get what I want. I am more inwardly centered than outwardly focused. (Self-preservation over the Greater Good, no?)
Fears: Dogs and horses, and I kid you not. There is just something very frightening about most animals and I know it seems childish but I don't like how unpredictable animals are, especially ones that have already broken my trust. Yes, I have had bad experiences with both dogs and horses and now remain forever wary of all descendants.
Weaknesses: Depression. Slacker by nature. Hey, I can love school and still find it hard to get my work done. I procrastinate, I am sometimes forgetful, and I can be cutting when I don't want to beat around the bush.
Favorite movies [no more than three]: Master and Commander, Black Hawk Down, and Gladiator. I have a thing for war, it goes along with the history obsession.
Favorite books [no more than three]: Ender's Game makes the top of my list, and if it is allowable then I will list the Harry Potter series as a whole as my second choice. Besides my seemingly young adult choices, I will list my current non-fiction favorite, Devil in the White City.
Favorite singer/band: The Beatles. You can't go wrong with The Beatles, I am telling you.
Where did you hear about this community? I found this community during a LJ search of things to occupy my frightfully boring Tuesday afternoon.
Wizards world
In which house do you think you belong? Why? I think I have nearly equal parts Ravenclaw and Slytherin, with the edge going to the Eagles. I am curious by nature and seek for the reasons behind why things are they way they are, which is something that I have always associated with Ravenclaws. They don't just seek knowledge at every turn, but they seek the deeper understanding and I value that. Creativity and self-preservation are traits that I associate with Slytherin, as well as a deeply seeded pessimism that I can't and do not want to shake.
Stating that I am loyal and counting that as a specific house trait wouldn't be fair because it can't be said that one house is more loyal to it's own than another. I count this trait as something all houses value, but count it among my strengths nevertheless.
In which house do you think you don't belong at all? Why? Gryffindor. As far as being outwardly heroic or courageous, I have no interest nor proclivity. I do not like to stand out or behave so brightly.
In which class would you shine the most? Why? As dull as the books make it out to sound, I would probably excel in History of Magic. If I haven't stated it enough times, I have a love of history and though I'd like to be able to say something way cooler like DADA, History of Magic is fascinating!
Write a short paragraph about each of the following families [just state your thoughts on each of them]:
Malfoy: It is very hard to take a negative position on the Malfoy family for me at this point. I have sympathy for them, I pity them and their situations because I find it hard to say that they deserved to be punished for their seemingly "evil" and "antagonist" characteristics. Draco was the prime example of how these young men got swept up in the glory that was Voldemort's promise and what it must have been like for the first era of Death Eater's. I imagine Lucius held similar ideals of magnificence when he first signed on to follow the Dark Lord, at probably the same age as Draco.
That was more rambling that an absolute position, but I think the Malfoy family is an interesting case study. Not every family with Death Eater roots are evil to the core.
Black: Again, another famous family with an interesting dynamic. I would love to gain more backstory on the family interactions of the Black's when they were all still alive. Like, how did Sirius and Regulus get along?
Potter: I've grown up with Harry Potter like many other fans: I was seven when the first book was released and now I find myself nearly the same age as the trio when they end their journey. However, I have never felt the same connection with Harry as a hero that most of my friends have. We aren't that similar and I find his story difficult to relate to. So, I don't read the books for Harry, I read them for everyone else.
Weasley: It's called Birth Control, Molly. Stop having children that you obviously can't afford. Control the population.
Remember the pensieve incident from book five? [Chapter #28: Snape's worst
memory] What are your thoughts about it? Backstory is my favorite, so this chapter ranks among my top scenes in the books. And Snape, being one of my favorite characters, showed the most character development of them all during the series. This scene was interesting upon first read, because we are supposed to feel sorry for Snape and at the same time sorry for Harry, that he has just learned the real truth about James being a bully. But I never felt that betrayal, I didn't.
In these hard times with a new war ahead, where are your loyalties? I trust Dumbledore most out of everyone. I think the Order is a strong resistance, but I also see the strengths in the Death Eater position as well. I am undecided.
Thank you!