Name: Lennox
Age: 17
Previously stamped as: Sirius Black
Personality and Behavior
What are some of your positive traits?Calm, almost passive, gentle, kind, deadpan, observant, sarcastic, quiet, independent, stubborn, focused. Honestly, when I say quiet, I mean, I don't speak unless spoken to and unless I want to to people I like for DAYS. I don't talk to hear the sound of my own voice, 'less I have something to say.
What are some of your negative traits?Too quietly stubborn to let others help me if I need it, too independent to ask for it.
What adjectives describe you best? (Maximum of six)
[ ] Sleek
[ ] Elegant
[ ] Wily
[ ] Wise
[X] Observational
[ ] Outgoing
[ ] Colorful
[ ] Loyal
[ ] Curious
[X] Independent
[X] Troublemaker
[X] Proud
[ ] Skittish
[ ] Warm-hearted
[ ] Sneaky
[ ] Cheerful
Do you have any funny or interesting quirks or habits? Probably that I have trouble falling asleep, but that's all. Oh, and if I get really focused on something, I can do it anywhere from 2-6+ hours.
Are you easily provoked? I'm proud, and I don't like to be made fun of. But I can usually put people in their place before anything escalates.
How do you act in a confrontation? What role do you tend to play- observer, confronter, or the confronted? Observer, then confronter.
Are you more comfortable by yourself or in large groups? I like to be by myself much more than large groups.
What kind of area would you enjoy living in?
A heavily forested area. Or one with lots of greenery.
Would you rather fly, swim, or travel on ground?
When are you most active?
At night. I don't ever go drinking or partying, but I like night. The world's peaceful then.
What are your likes? Tea and crumpets, flowers, painting my nails, reading a good book, singing opera, playing guitar, music in general, exercise, a good documentary, movies.
What are your dislikes? I do not have 'dislikes'. I have major fucking pissoffs XD That is all. ^_^
What are your hobbies and interests? Music, running, sports, exercise, writing, baking, gardening, scrapbooking, nature, reading.
Picture- URL, thumbnail, and/or a thorough description