Welcome, HP Random Facts Fest Participants!
Round Six of the fest gets underway, I thought I'd take a moment to point you in the direction of
profile, on which you'll find a discussion of the community's subject line, header, and tagging conventions. Please follow these conventions; your mod likes a tidy comm. :) Now, because I do like a tidy comm, I have no problem answering questions about any aspect of
hp_random_facts (or the HP Random Facts Fest, for that matter), so please don't hesitate to contact me at hp.random.facts [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions at all!
Below, please find a customizable header template that you can use when preparing your entries for posting to
hp_random_facts. It doesn't contain paragraph tags, so you should add them if you've formatted the body of your entry with them (if you don't know what a paragraph tag is, email me!). As well, please feel free to substitute your own disclaimer if you like, and remember to replace "user_name" (keep the quotation marks) with your own LJ name when customizing the template.
To use this template, cut and paste the following text into the top of your entry:
Word Count:
Disclaimer: This piece is based on characters and situations created by J. K. Rowling, and owned by J. K. Rowling and various publishers, including but not limited to: Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made from and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended by the posting of this fic.
Author's Note: Written for http://iulia-linnea.livejournal.com/715572.html">Round Six of the Harry Potter Random Facts Fest.
An example of a correctly formatted meme entry may be found here.
Important note: If you post an entry to hp_random_facts that is meant to be part of Round Six of the Harry Potter Random Facts Fest, please remember to reply to the fest's informational post with the title of and link to your entry so that I can add it to the submissions list.
Again, please don't hesitate to contact me at hp.random.facts [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions about hp_random_facts or Round Six of the HP Random Facts Fest!