MEME ENTRY: Twenty Random Facts about Pansy Parkinson

Sep 24, 2011 12:11

Title: Twenty Random Facts About Pansy Parkinson
Author: pokeystar
Character: Pansy Parkinson
Rating: PG
Word Count: 421
Disclaimer: This piece is based on characters and situations created by J. K. Rowling, and owned by J. K. Rowling and various publishers, including but not limited to: Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made from and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended by the posting of this fic.
Round: Seven

1. Pansy has an older brother named Ranuculus. Her older sister, had she lived, would have been named Violet.

2. Sometimes she wishes she’d been born a Black, so that she would have a really cool star name, like Ursa or Betelguese.

3. Ranuculus had often terrorized her with “games” of Lord Voldemort and the Muggle-born. Until he was sent to Durmstrang for his education.

4. She was five years old at the time and didn’t miss her brother a bit.

5. Pansy’s father didn’t much care for “overly educated females.” If that meant Pansy wasn’t going to Durmstrang, she was fine with it.

6. When Pansy’s mother was drunk, she would call Pansy “dear Violet” and cry herself to sleep.

7. Pansy’s favourite colour was pink. Until fourth year when her mother sent her those god awful frilly robes to wear to the Yule Ball.

8. The only colour she hates more is periwinkle.

9. Pansy hates flying and is terrified of heights, but she’ll be damned if anyone equates her with Granger.

10. She has a crush on Potter and right up until the Gryffindor-Ravenclaw match in Sixth year, she thought he fancied Granger.

11. Pansy has a secret stash of Muggle fashion magazines. Her most closely-held desire is to own a pair of four inch Jimmy Choo stilettos.

12. She really couldn’t give a rat’s arse about blood purity. She just wanted her parents’ undivided attention.

13. That day in the Great Hall all of her worst fears, deeply ingrained by Ranuculus’s idea of “fun,” came true.

14. He projected his voice, his essence, into people’s subconscious minds. Pansy would bloody well like to know what you would have done, given her background and circumstances.

15. Also, the only kind of snakeskin she liked was the kind that came on thigh-high boots.

16. She kept her hair in a sleek bob because she was pants at hair-styling charms.

17. She was overjoyed when the Malfoys decided that Draco would marry Astoria.

18. She’d known the whinging prat since they were in nappies. It would have been like marrying her brother. Ugh.

19. And Narcissa thought she was a slag anyways. Pansy was convinced Molly Weasley would be an infinitely preferable mother-in-law, no matter what Hermione told her.

20. The best decision she’d ever made was to stay in England and join the effort to rebuild Hogwarts. She made peace with her past, grew up a bit and gained a best friend who had unlimited access to Muggle fashion magazines.

round: seven, type: meme entry, character: pansy parkinson, user name: pokeystar, rating: pg, genre: het

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