(no subject)

Apr 09, 2008 23:40

Who: Nikola Krum, Sebastian Savage and guest
What: Hide and Seek
Where: Hogwarts
When: GrownHP6words
Why: Because
Author's Note: Mun knowledge until Nikola says otherwise.

It took some time for you to decide who would be the best example. These things take time after all, and it is an art. You were tempted at first to add Heim to your collection, but his pain is still fresh enough that it tastes sweeter then his flesh would at this moment. Maybe next full moon, if he’s lucky. Wilkes was also a proposition, his words were poison enough and the fear that comes off him is so thick sometimes it makes your stomach turn in disgust. But in the end what would that conquer? You are not a wasteful creature. Your daddy taught you better.

So instead you decide to go after the one they sent to watch you.

The man is pacing the grounds, cigarette crushed between his fingers with a casual elegance soldiers and Aurors get when they’re on patrol. It’s nervous that turns into precision, fear that becomes logic. The very best can do that, and the very foolish.

If Fenrir was alive, you think he would have enjoyed this. As it is, you have to do it for him.

Sebastian isn’t given time to cry out before you’re on him.
The first punch, and you have to punch because it’s not the full moon, connects with his kidneys. It’s a crude way to end a hunt, or begin a meal but it suits your purpose for the time being. He falls backwards into your arms and there’s where you take the first chunk out. You’ve never used human fingers as claws but it’s amazing how easily the skin and muscle melts under your nails.

You have to be quick, but careful. You’re in a corridor, and even if it’s late at night, you can’t risk being seen. Not yet. It’s hard to keep control under the weight of the smell. You don’t dare biting him. Giving too much away.
The Auror took a hit to the head from hitting the wall, or the pavement and blood blinds him but the man is nothing if not tenacious. He swings wild, connecting with your shoulder. He’s able to grab your wrist and snap it hard. You scream.
That was a very foolish mistake.

You’re tempted to carve foolishness into his chest but you’ll settle for dragging small trenches into his chest. You wonder for a moment if you can get to his heart this way.

Do Death Eater spawn have hearts? What do they look like?

That’ll have to wait. Not yet. This isn’t a hunt. It’s a warning.

You continue to claw and dig until the Auror- brave one that he is- finally passes out. His breathing is slow but he’s not dead. He will be though. Soon enough.

You leave a dripping trail across the pavement before finding a position comfortable enough to hide.

Now all you have to do is wait.

nikola krum, severus snape, sebastian savage, roleplay, hogwarts, grownhp

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