Bi-Weekly Topics: Potion

Feb 20, 2008 22:05

Who? Scorpius Malfoy
What? The morning after this.
When? Thursday morning grownhp6words timeline
Why? You have to wake up sometime
Author's Note: Please keep in mind that this is for mun information only for now.

When he wakes up, he's shivering and completely unaware of where he is. Looking down he sees that he's covered in blood and gore, but not much else. If he had a mirror he would see that his blond hair is stained pink. There are scratches and bite marks on his skin. He must have been in a fight, he thinks, but finds he can't remember much of anything past separating from everyone.

He'd made it to the city. He remembers that much. He made it to the city, and Fluffy had howled in delight at the freedom it would allow him. That is the last clear memory he has of the full moon. Struggling to fill in the details, he finds he comes up blank. There is so much blood on him, but he's convinced it has to be animal blood. He must have hunted something, a dog or dogs perhaps, and that is why he is covered in blood. Scorpius is repulsed by the sight of it on his body, but he tries to push past that.

Looking around he notices that he's in the cave that he first found his way too after he was attacked by Fenrir that night ten years ago. Padfoot had found him, and brought him home. For a moment he panics. Did he attack Padfoot? Had Padfoot or Prongs found him, and he attacked them?

The potion. Had the potion not worked properly? Did he boil it for too long or not long enough? Was he not focused enough on what he was doing because he was distracted by how much his grandfather smelled like prey? There were so many questions, and no answers. No, if he had attacked Padfoot or Prongs someone would have found him. Remus or Maisie would have tracked him to the cave by now.

He needed to get back to the manor and check on his grandfather. Whatever Fluffy had hunted last night couldn't be helped now. Forcing himself to try and remember was only going to frustrate him. Memories come back on their own terms. It was best to focus on getting cleaned up and going about his day. There is no need to upset anyone by mentioning that he thinks he may have messed up the Wolfsbane potion. Maybe he was just stressed from his grandfather, and the potion was fine but Fluffy had just been too strong to fight off.

Looking down at the bite marks, scratches and blood he realizes that if he looks like this then chances weren't good that whatever he hunted survived. It appears to have been a fight to the death. He can still taste the copper in his mouth from the blood. It makes his stomach lurch a bit, but he doesn't throw up. Instead he apparates back to the flat he still keeps in London despite living at the manor again.

He turns the shower on as hot as he can stand it and washes away all traces of what happened the night before. It takes three shampoos before his hair is blond again. The soap stings the cuts and scratches. Resting his forehead against the tiles, he closes his eyes and lets the water wash away the blood and gore. He tries to clear his mind and get some image of what happened the night before.

Nothing comes. Just the clear memory of separating and following a heart beat. The joy of getting past the woods and finding a neighborhood. Merlin, he must have attacked someone's pets. He felt a bit sick to his stomach at that thought.

No, it could have been wild animals. There were bushes and trees around the neighborhood. Stop thinking the worst. It will be okay, he tells himself. Next month he'll ask Dora to make him the potion if his mother hasn't returned. He won't chance making it himself again. Not when he's so distracted by his grandfather's health.

It was just one night. A few hours he can't remember where Fluffy had control. Some animal paid the price, but it's alright. Scorpius won't make that mistake again.

He steps out of the shower, dries off, gets dressed, and combs his hair. By the time he shows up at the manor he looks as tired as he usually does, but if he's worried about the previous it doesn't show. He looks the same as every morning after the full moon.

Werewolves were so very good at wearing masks were they not?

prompt, scorpius malfoy, fic, grownhp

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