(no subject)

Dec 20, 2007 20:20

Twenty facts about your muse that we may not be aware of. (If this is a canon character it can be twenty facts based on your personal fanon for the muse)

1. She would have stayed and fought in the battle of Hogwarts if Professor Snape would have asked her too. That said? She knew her head of house would have demanded his children get the hell out of dodge and let the adults fight the battle.

2. Kept all the letters and gifts Draco ever gave her. They're in a vault in Gringotts that she left for her daughter.

3. Has only loved three men completely and unconditionally in her entire life; her father, Draco, and Severus.

4. The moment the Dark Lord put Draco in the position he did when Draco was sixteen, Pansy made a vow to never follow him. From that point on she was fighting for Draco and Draco only.

5. Hermione was a necessary task in the goal to keep Draco alive. Pansy didn't care enough about her to hate her, but she would have never been okay with anyone targeting Hermione's children.

6. Her fight was never about blood purity. It was about love.

7. Her love was not perfect or flawless, but it was pure.

8. She ran back into the castle after the battle of Hogwarts desperately searching for Draco. When she saw him in his parents arms she turned and walked away before anyone saw her. He was where he needed to be, and he was alive. That was all she had needed to see.

9. When she saw Harry Potter carrying Severus's body, she cast a spell to make the body lighter, and then promptly fell to her knees and cried. Harry never saw her, and she never made her presence known.

10. When Stella turns 17 she will receive a sizeable inheritance from her aunt Pansy. The note attached will say, "Never be afraid to follow your dreams, and to hell with what anyone else thinks about them. I hope this helps to make them come true."

11. Considered asking Bastian to kill her, but decided she could only trust Severus to do it. If Draco couldn't kill Albus, she didn't want him to have to make her his first. She hated asking Severus to do it though. She never wanted to be blood on his hands.

12. Once used Crucio on Amycus Carrow because he was torturing a group of first years. When questioned about it she said it was because there was a first year snake in the bunch, but the truth was she found picking on eleven year old children, no matter which house they were in, disgusting. When he punished her, she begged for more. He never punished her again.

13. Had flowers sent to Crabbe's grave every year on his birthday, Christmas, and the anniversary of his death. He was her friend.

14. She had a tendency of dating blond quidditch players or older dark haired men.

15. When she laughed she would throw her head back and shake because she felt it so completely. When she cried she would hit her knees and shake because she felt it so completely. She rarely did either.

16. She held Capella for hours before she could quiet her heart enough to pass her off to her adoptive mother.

17. Her parents died during the second war. Draco helped her bury them, but she never cried in front of him. She did cry when Headmaster Snape informed her they had died. He caught her before she hit her knees. She realized then he had never truly let any of his snakes fall because he would do whatever it took to catch them.

18. She believed the entire lot of people in the Great Hall that night were idiots for not throwing Potter out to save the many for the one. It wasn't that she wanted Potter to die or Voldemort to win. She just didn't see the point in sacrificing the many for the one. However if he had asked for Draco she would have ak'd anyone who even thought about suggesting he walk out of the castle walls.

19. She believed in wishing on stars and birthday candles.

20. Pansy loved to walk in the rain. She would jump in puddles even in her thirties. It made her feel like a child, and she rather enjoyed her childhood, thanks.

prompt, pansy parkinson

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