
Oct 25, 2007 11:24

Who? Bellatrix Lestrange, Harry Potter, Hermione Weasley, Voldemort
What? The final show down
When? Roughly 24-48 hours after the Ministry battle
Why? All we are saying is give peace a chance.

I got a number on me. I got a number. Won't make it through the high noon sun. Well I am my father's son. And I am my father's son. His bed is made. And I was a hero early in the morning. I ain't no hero in the night. I am my father's son. )

voldemort, after 19 years later, roleplay, bellatrix lestrange, hermione weasley, harry potter

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lord_riddle October 25 2007, 20:14:27 UTC
He was more than a little surprised at the 'message' coming into his mind as he relaxed looking at the fire and Bellatrix lay sleeping on the bed behind him. The healer said she would live, their child had not been harmed and with time everything would be fine. But she needed to rest, no more running off and fighting. Rest.

But the words, that voice in his mind.

Slowly he looked over at Bella's form before turning back to the fire and opening the connection fully.

"What is it that you want?"


wontletmedie October 25 2007, 20:27:32 UTC
Once he got the response he relaxed even more. It was easier to let Voldemort stay in control of things. After all, it was his soul that allowed the connection, not Harry's.

"I felt your reaction to Bellatrix. I'm aware of the child. I wish to meet with you and discuss a resolution to this war."

His lips didn't move at all. Everything was said using his mind only. Once upon a time he feared this connection. Now he was determined to use it to both of their benefits. His hand tightened around Hermione's to give her a silent signal that Voldemort had made contact.

"During the last war neither of us had children of our own to consider. I think, perhaps, you will agree that this changes things. I'm willing to come to you, along with Hermione, to meet with you and Bellatrix alone. The four of us could end this once and for all. Death didn't work last time. Perhaps we should look to a new solution."


lord_riddle October 25 2007, 20:46:03 UTC
He said nothing for a while, the knowledge of his child and heir wasn't something he'd wanted anyone to know. There was hope that the child could have been passed off as that unworthy husbands of her's, but now it seemed that this was not to be the case.

"And what solution do you expect the four of us to come to Harry?"


wontletmedie October 25 2007, 20:53:41 UTC
The fact that he seemed open to hearing Harry out surprised him. Being this close, locked in each other's minds, he felt like he could get a better read on him. Being honest was the way to go. Voldemort had a knack for knowing when he was being lied too ( ... )


lord_riddle October 25 2007, 21:10:40 UTC
He stayed silent for a while, his thoughts going to his child, his heir. There was so much truth to the boy's words, truth that hit him hard.

"And tell me, how can you say that no one will come for my child or Bellatrix in her state? It is one thing to say that you and I will keep our words and that we will not persue such matter but the others. Your mudblood friend does seem fit on killing Bellatrix and I am sure there are others fit on killing those on either side. This will not just stop because we say so."


wontletmedie October 25 2007, 21:15:01 UTC
"Just as Bellatrix seems fit on torturing and killing all of Hermione's family. They must come to the same conclusion as us. There has to be a way to ensure you and I will not make a move on each other and that Bella and Hermione will do the same. If you and I walk away from this war, who will step up in our place? Who feels so passionately about it that they will try to take over for you and engage my side to continue fighting?"

His tone was kept light because he did not wish to offend him. Not when the lines of communication were finally open. Harry was so tired of his life revolving around that blasted prophecy. He had a feeling that Voldemort was sick of it too.

"What would you need from Hermione to trust that she will not come after Bellatrix again?"


lord_riddle October 25 2007, 21:38:56 UTC
"There are possibly those who would but to go against my wish would be worse for them than anything." He fell silent again for a while, trying to mull everything over in his mind. There was a lot to lose now, a lot had already been lost.

"Do you believe that should you say so those fighting with you would not come for me and mine?"

Again another pause as he thought about the mudblood. "Her vow," was all he replied with.


wontletmedie October 25 2007, 21:44:06 UTC
"I believe people want peace. Both sides have suffered significant losses without much to show for gain. If you back off Hogwarts and the Ministry, they will not seek you out. They wish to rebuild what was lost and to raise their families. I'll protect your secret and you and Bellatrix will have a chance to raise the child in peace."

The vow. Right. Well an unbreakable vow on four sides would be the best for this. It was the only way to tie their hands and force peace to happen.

"The unbreakable vow, all four of us take it. There is one more thing." He took a deep breath and squeezed Hermione's hand again. Fear still washed over him like a cold summer rain, but he needed to do this.

"I am a horcrux again. I wish to not be one. If you will kill me and leave it in fate's hands if I come back we can finally end this war and move on with our lives. In return, I'll give you the vow to not go after another horcrux again. Me for the remainders, it is a fair trade is it not?"


lord_riddle October 25 2007, 21:48:20 UTC
He wanted nothing more than to ignore the words of this child but the more he spoke the more things made sense to him. This war hadn't even started as his own. People had acted on his word before he had even given it and now there was so much to lose. Too much to lose. "I'd have your word to keep my child safe and not to harm them?"

He knew of the vows, knew such people would take them.

"Kill you?" Silence fell once more, minutes passed, "And tell me, should you not come back this time, your vow would be broken and your friends and family would come after me. You cannot stop this."


wontletmedie October 25 2007, 22:06:37 UTC
"I don't break my word. You know this. Hermione will give the vow and if I don't return...things have been placed in motion so that people know that I asked you to kill me. You will not be held responsible if I can't return. I sent a letter to Severus Snape that he will receive if I don't return in twenty-four hours. Killing me is a sign you wish to end the war. Hermione will make that clear to our side. If you truly wanted to cling tightly to your immortality you would not agree to release a horcrux. I can give you the vow again should I return. But Hermione's words are as good as mine are they not? Do you truly believe they will not listen to her if I do not return? They know she wouldn't ask for peace if you killed me out of malice and not mercy ( ... )


lord_riddle October 25 2007, 22:20:48 UTC
There was nothing to be said. Nothing but this one word.


He stood slowly and moved from the fire, "Bella is sleeping. We will meet at midnight in the ruins of the place you and I first met, from there we will portkey to a location away from everything. Do you agree?"


wontletmedie October 25 2007, 22:25:11 UTC
Harry almost laughed at the irony of it. Hadn't it be he who called for the meeting with Severus at Godric's Hollow? Perhaps he and Voldemort really were more alike than either of them were comfortable with.

"Agreed. Midnight it is."

He opened his eyes and slowly sat up and looked at Hermione. They'd discussed what he had planned to ask before, at length already. Now it was just time to move on with it.

"Midnight at my parents' house in Godric's Hollow. He wants the unbreakable vow between you and Bella and the knowledge you will make sure everyone realizes I forced him to kill me as part of the agreement. If I make it back, and trust me Hermione, I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I will fight like hell to come back, I'll give him the unbreakable vow as well." He checked the watch that Molly and Arthur gave him and sighed. "Just a few hours until peace."


books_clevernes October 25 2007, 22:34:29 UTC
"Peace," she said softly, looking over at him from where she was lying next to him, "I almost hate the word." A soft, sad laugh escaped her lips, "And I am almost quoting Romeo and Juliet. How ironic. Two household and all that jazz."

Squeezing her eyes closed she took a breath before reaching over and stroking his cheek softly, "Harry, if you don't come back I am going to find that stone and bring you back so I can kill you myself. Do I make myself clear?"

The coldness that had been in her eyes since findind Rose was gone but it was will with a weary sadness that was eating her up slowly inside. "But this, this is out burden to carry and if..." Her words failed her.


wontletmedie October 25 2007, 22:40:16 UTC
"I'll do everything I can. If I don't come back you won't even need the stone. Chances are Ron will kill you and then Ginny will kill him to drag us both back." He had to make a joke because the clock was ticking again. Just like it had the first time. Every breath he inhaled and exhaled felt like a gift ( ... )


books_clevernes October 25 2007, 22:47:58 UTC
"Do you really think that it would need us being killed to drag your arse back here?" Slowly Hermione looked down at their hands before looking back up and into his eyes, "I feel like a theif stealing your last few moment when you should be with your wife just in case...No...I can't. I shouldn't. I'm sorry."

Moving a little closer she wrapped his arm around her and hid in his chest, "Oh Harry...these past few days, if this doesn't end now I don't think I can take much more. There is only so much one person can take, only so much my...Harry, how do I explain to Rose that...how will I make it all better?"

Hermione's voice broke a little, "I need you Harry, more and more each day I need you and if you're not here to help me through this I think I might just crack into a thousand unfixable pieces."


wontletmedie October 25 2007, 22:54:59 UTC
He held her close, focusing on the sound and weight of her words instead of the ticking of the clock. The truth was, he wasn't sure he could go through with it if Ginny had been here. They both knew that they hand to finish this with Bella and Voldemort. Ron and Ginny would have wanted to come along and help, but there was no way they could have gotten Voldemort to trust this offer if it wasn't two meeting two ( ... )


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