(no subject)

Oct 20, 2007 21:48

Who: Unknown 7th year student, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rose Weasley, Harry Potter.
What: A little game of snatch and torture.
When: A little over a week after Ron, Hermione and Harry's information extration.
Where: Hogwarts, then Hogsmeade and finally an abandoned barn.
Why: Because Bellatrix likes new toys and hates that mudblood so much she wanted to make her daughter her new toy. Thanks to Bella/Rose mun for totally letting my steal her characters to punch out this fic for all your pleasure.
Warnings: I'm going with R, just for the sheer violence towards a child...enjoy!

It would be one of the easiest tasks she would ever have to perform in her whole life and she was more than willing to do the task given to her by her father. Like her father she was loyal to him, her Lord and Master, and like her father she wanted nothing more than to be one of his most devoted followers.

Take the child, get her outside the apparition barrier and take her to Hogsmeade where Bellatrix was waiting. Easy steps. It was almost too easy and she felt a little underused but she would do as she was asked. She would do it for her father, her his most devoted and for the Lord himself.

The evening’s air was drawing a chill and there she stood within the shadows of the staircase with the cloak wrapped around her, hiding her from view of those who passed her by, watching as the students made their way to the Great Hall. She’s done this for days now, watching the child’s pattern, seeing where she went, how she acted and if she ever spoke to anyone at all. This evening she watched knowing the direction the child would come from, watching as groups of students walked past laughing and joking around and then, there she was, all on her own. Filthy little daughter of a mudblood, she needed to be put in her place. A quick glance to either side of her and she pushed the cloak from her and stepped from out of the shadows moving swiftly and silently towards the child who hugged her books like a security blanket. Coming up behind her she pressed the palm of her hand over the child’s mouth and hissed into her ear, “Make one squeak and I’ll snap that pale little neck of yours, do you understand me?”

Nodding the child dropped her books to the floor from the feeling of fright at being grabbed and the threat, closing her eyes as the older girl pulled her back and into the shadow’s of the staircase. She turned them suddenly pushing the child up against the wall of the staircase, casting a silencing spell upon her. “You and I are going to take a little trip and if you make one motion to run or try and get anyone’s attention I’ll find that little brother of yours and I’ll throw him from the top most staircase in the school. Understand?”

Again the child nodded, teary eyed, fear reflecting within her. Could this girl before her really hurt her or her brother? She really didn’t know if she wanted to know. Casting a hopeful glance around she realised that there was no one who would miss her at lunch. It was a sad state of affairs to realise as an eleven year old, but her family were the only ones who ever saw her anywhere and they wouldn’t miss her for a few hours yet.

When the final group of students had entered the Great Hall to eat she grabbed the child’s had and pulled her towards the nearest and easiest exit and out into the fading light. “You’re going to be the perfect little gift, he will be thankful that I made her happy. I will be rewarded greatly and so will my father.”

Out into the grounds she shoved her, laughing as the child stumbled onto the cold muddy ground and couldn’t cry out at the pain she felt, oh, the fun she could have with this. Picking her up by her hair she dragged her along to the edge of the wood where the apparition barrier stopped before turning to the child and grinning, “Time for you to see dear Auntie Bellatrix. She has so many treats in store for you.” Holding her tight the girl apparated them both from the school grounds to the home in which she had been instructed to meet with the Lords most loyal servant.

On arrival she threw the child to the floor before bowing, “I have done as was asked of me, the child is yours for the taking. Do with her what you will.” Horrible that the girls idol was standing before her, dark and twisted like the roots of a tree, sucking the life from the soil that surrounded it.

An eerie giggle came from the dark corner and Bellatrix walked out of the shadows, stepping over the dead bodies of the owners of the home she had taken over. “Pretty, pretty little girl,” she reached out her crooked taloned fingers and raised the girls head, dark eyes meeting one another. “Clever little pure blood, my Lord will hear of this,” she stroked her cheeks, her eyes filled with a child like glee at the arrival of her new toy. “I have one more task for you.”

Walking to the child who was cowering on the floor she reached down and snapped the locket and chain from around her neck, handing it to the girl along with a note that had been written in blood, “You know what to do with this, make sure she finds it.”

Another bow from the girl before she stood up straight, her head held high. “I will not fail you.” And with that she apparated back to the school to finish her task.

Turning to the child Bellatrix reached down and pulled her to her feet, nails digging into her upper arms, “Time to wait for mummy,” and holding her in a vice like grip she apparated them out to the abandoned barn she had prepared for this special occasion. She really was going to show that mudblood what it meant to cross her, she was going to make her sing in screams.

It was only a short while later that Bellatrix had the child tied up by the wrists to a high beam in the barn she had selected to use as her playground. Tears rolled down the child’s cheeks and Bellatrix slowly circled her, watching her prey the look of a predator. Oh, this little thing would scream until she had no voice before the night was out and that was a lot of screaming.

There were already cuts and bruises on her face where Bellatrix had struck her, her mouth was filled with that metallic taste mixed with the salt from her tears. Here was where she was going to die, she knew it. The rope dug into her wrists, the burns red raw from where she had tried to tug and pull herself free. It was a game, she let the child get herself free from the ropes before she stopped her, hit her and tied her up once more, and it was a game she was loving. But now, now it was time to hear the beautiful sound of a half blood screaming.

“Poor little piece of filth,” she cooed as she came up behind the child, “Mummy and Daddy wont come and save you, they’ll come to their deaths and I’ll let you watch before I burst your eyeballs with my thumbs and then chop you up into little pieces and feed you to Nagini.”

More sobs as the child cried harder and the anger bubbled under Bellatrix’s skin, “Quit at that blubbing or I’ll give you something to cry about.” But it just prompted the child to cry all the more. And in a quick motion the lamp light reflected off of a silver blade and the child screamed as the dagger sliced into her upper thigh. Blood trickled down the deep wound and her body ached with a dull thump thump. Bellatrix laughing once more, her fingers running down the child’s leg to the wound and she pushed her fingers inside. The screams that came from the child made her head whirl with ecstasy, she wanted more. So much more.

The taunting and torturing went on for hours, and the child hung from the rope around her wrists, bruised, bloodied and beaten. Blood still trickled from the wounds on her lips, thigh and the slash across her back. There were no more tears, there was no more energy, the pain she felt now just kept her from blacking out, but soon the pain was becoming too much and…*pop*…everything turns black.

“Let go of her,” Hermione stood with her wand held high, her eyes burning with anger as she looked upon Bellatrix as she held onto her baby girl, “You were killed once by messing with the wrong child and this time I’ll make sure I finish the job off properly.”

In a swift motion Bellatrix let go of Rose and raised her wand hurling a spell at Hermione. Nimble and swift she twisted out of the way, hurling one back at her. And do the dance began. Twists, turns, gracefully fast movements which cast bright spells at one another, some hit home, some were deflected and others missed their mark. Bellatrix stuck to the darker spells, those that would harm anyone in anyway possible and at first Hermione stuck with the spells the DA used well. As they duelled she caught sight of her daughter’s back, then around they went while fighting and she saw the wound on her thigh and those of her face.

Her fear twisted and shifted inside her and she gave into the darkest hate she felt inside of her body, all of it aimed at his woman before her.

“Sectumsempra” she screamed, her eyes darkening with some form of happiness as Bellatrix stumbled backwards and deep slashes appeared over her chest and stomach, “Expelliarmus,” Bellatrix’s wand flew from her hand and skittered over the floor.

“Crucio!” Watching as Bellatrix crumpled to the ground she tried not to smile, never had she felt so sure about the need to do something. Hermione was running on pure hate and watching Bellatrix writhe on the floor was the best kind of therapy anyone could give another person.

“Say it like you mean it,” she almost growled as she continued to use the unforgiveable curse. A break as she watched the twitching form before her and then she cast the spell again, more screams echoing around the abandoned barn.

Finally Hermione took a step back, brought up her wand and…

“Avada Kedav…”

hermione granger, bellatrix lestrange, hogwarts, harry potter

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