It's time to sign-up for the fourth round of
Please make sure you have
read the rules and seen the timeline, and know you will be able to complete either fic or art for this fest. You can find pimping materials
here and please make sure you are
watching the community
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LJ Name: gamma_x_orionis
Regularly checked email:
Are you over the age of 18? Yes :)
If you have participated before, who did you write/draw for? I wrote for flyingharmony last year ♥ ♥
Would you prefer to receive fic or art? Either one!
Desired rating of you gift [G - NC-17 or no preference]: NC-17 is great, but other ratings are more than welcome too!
Which of these would you prefer to receive: het, femmeslash, slash or gen? Het or femmeslash, though I like some slash pairings (see below) ♥
Pairings and/or characters you'd like to receive: Bellatrix/Voldemort, Draco/Luna, Voldemort/Luna, any Death Eater/Luna, Lucius/Alice, Rabastan/Voldemort, Hermione/Viktor, any combination of Bellatrix/Andromeda/Narcissa/Rodolphus/Rabastan/Lily Evans.
Situations, genres, kinks etc. that you would like to see: Dominant/submissive, sadomasochism, public sex/arousal, voyeurism/exhibitionism, dominant women, humiliation, orgasm play (forced, withheld, multiple, etc), shame, shy/innocent/'good" girls, emotionally disturbed men, secret/forbidden relationships, unrequited love, family secrets, seduction under false pretences, Stockholm syndrome, power dynamics (I would love to see power change hands from one character to another over the course of the story)
Situations, genres, kinks, squicks etc. that you would not like to see: Extremely violent rape. Other than that, everything's good :3
Characters/pairings you don't want to see: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione (unless you choose to write Hermione/Viktor), any of the Weasleys. (it's fine to mention any of these characters briefly, but I would prefer if they didn't have large roles).
Prompts: The Experiment by Rachel Macwhirter, Girls that Glitter Love the Dark by Hannah Fury, Scavenger by Emilie Autumn.
Are you giving fic or art? Fic
Highest rating you will write/draw: Any!
Which of these would you prefer to write/draw: het, femmeslash, slash or gen? Het, femmeslash or gen.
Characters or pairings you would be comfortable writing/drawing: Any Death Eaters, any members of the Black family, Luna Lovegood, any next-gen girls.
Situations, genres, kinks etc. that you would like to write/draw: I like dark!fic, but I'm good with anything :)
Characters or pairings you would not be comfortable writing/drawing: Neville, Harry, Hermione, Snape. Draco paired with anyone but Luna. Rose/Scorpius.
Situations, genres, kinks etc. that you would NOT like to write/draw: None :)
Anything else you think we should know? I LOVE YOU AND I'M EXCITED :3
I'm glad you loved it, my darling! ILY too! <333
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