Title: Three Years
The CommunityPairing(s): Snape/Neville/Luna, Bellatrix/Neville (implied)
Medium: Photoshop and tablet
Rating: R for nudity
Warnings: Implied abuse, implied trauma - depictions very mild. Visible girl-and-boy nipples, visible cock.
Summary: Bellatrix had him for three years; they'll have him for the rest of their lives.
Author's Notes: AU in which Snape and Bellatrix both survived. Bellatrix kidnaps Neville and keeps him for far too long. Snape and Luna pull off a rescue, but it's a long time before Neville can sleep through the night. I hope you like this idea! My favourite way of thinking about Snape/Neville is 7th year to tie into that DE-at-Hogwarts canon, but that would've gone against the request for over 18... so out of the box thinking was required! In the end, this scenario seemed like it had some meat to it. I was going for Snape/Neville, but Luna sort of insisted on being involved. Who'm I to deny a lady?