Title: Every Kind of Wrong (For All the Right Reasons)
grander_fanficsPairing(s): Lucius/Tonks
Medium: Photoshop
Rating: R
Warnings: nudity, implications of rough play/spanking
Summary: Everything else is falling apart, but she doesn't mind (much) when he takes control.
Author's Notes: This picture came with a bunny - a plot bunny, much to my dismay. When I read your signup, the only pairing that stuck in my head was Lucius/Tonks, where Lucius was a spy for the Order, and Tonks - playing as his 'bit on the side' - collected his information for the Order. His price for information wasn't all that steep - all she had to give up was her control. I couldn't do the story, but I could try to make the image come to life. Hope you enjoy!