THIS JUST IN: Emilie ranting about weird looking characters for the OotP movie
FUCK THE WHAT?! Natalia, darling, ripped stockings, mismatched combats and fugly, un-canon hair do not a Tonks make. Producers, take note! And Kloves, sweetheart? READ THE FUCKING BOOKS AKHSGKJAGAJ.
Umm,Harry? I swear, I thought he was Robert Pattinson for a sec, with the Cedric-ish hair. I guess it's a better look, but does anyone agree with me that the best, most canon hair was deffs PoA? Like, f'shiz? Yes, thought so.
Hehe Click on the picture to enlarge and read the headline. I find this very amusing.
Although, it also pains me deep in the cockles of my non-Scottish heart, because Miranda Richardson's fabulous Rita Skeeter won't be back for Movie 5. This distresses me deeply, as Rita is my third favourite female character, succeeded only by Bellatrix and McG.
What do y'all think, oh slutty, slutty ho bags?