Podslash - Escribamens, by P.T. Dean

Apr 30, 2013 23:05

Title: Escribamens
Rating: MAT
Format: mp3
Author: P.T. Dean
Author's Email: ptdean82@gmail.com
Link to text: www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=24885
Fandom: Harry Potter
Reader: P.T. Dean
Reader's Email: ptdean82@gmail.com

Summary: After Lucius goes to Azkaban, Draco takes over as Lord Malfoy and learns that the family's success is based on a secret means of spying on their enemies. Knowledge is power - but when Draco learns the truth about Harry Potter his father's strategies look a little less brilliant than he'd hoped.

Pairing - Draco/Harry

MP3 Download in .zip format in two parts
Part 1
Part 2

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