celestineangelTitle: Memoria
Characters/Pairings: James-centric; James/Lily
Rating: R, mostly for language.
Warnings: None, really.
Word Count: 4,574
Summary: Like so many doomed men before him, James Potter wants to know the future.
Notes: Originally written for
hp_emofest, as a gift for the community because my muse abandoned my prompt and decided to do this instead. I actually prompted this for another fest, but, well, now I'm writing it myself. I hope everyone enjoys it! Thanks must be given to the wondermous beta,
cymonie, for the suggestions and help. And to
aimlesstravels, as well, for reading from the beginning and cheerleading. :)
Disclaimer: Of course, Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and to WB, and to anyone who actually owns any of the rights. Which is not me, this is all for fun. Also, there's a bit of text in here that is quoted from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, pages 332 and 333 of the Scholastic hardcover edition. You will know it when you see it.