Title: Silver Eggs
Summary: When Mundungus Fletcher tells Fred and George Weasley where to find some silver eggs, they naturally head over to take a look, bringing Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell with them. But getting the eggs isn't easy...
Rating: PG-13
Main characters: Fred and George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Word count: 2000 words
"Look, are you sure you feel up to this? Because George and I can go on, get the eggshells and then come back here."
"And let you boys have all the fun? As if," Angelina huffed. "I'm game."
"Me too." Katie nodded. "Where's the fun without the risk? Just as long as it's not, you know, lethal," she added in afterthought.
Silver Eggs)