Eternal Darkness / Chapter 1 : "In The Beginning..."

Jan 08, 2008 23:31

Title: Eternal Darkness / Chapter 1: “In The Beginning…”
Author: Roelliej

Pairing: Harry/Ron
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #1.”Patience”
Word Count: 1198
Summary: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are about to face their greatest foe…
Warnings: Angst,Drama,Murder,Bad Language.
Notes: Written for 100quills. I want to thank Hedwig’s Bane for all the help he gave me. Thanks J. Thanks to Rick for inspiration. I hope you’ll like the story.

Eternal Darkness

Chapter 1

“In the beginning…”

Hogsmeade, 989 A.D.,

“Are you insane? We should welcome all the boys and girls with magical talent.”

A man with red hair and a large beard was talking to another man with a monkey-shaped face and a long white beard.

“No! Don’t you understand, Godric?” said Salazar Slytherin. “Magical education should only be for people with pure blood running through their veins, not for the ones who are born from Muggles. It really disgusts me that wizards and witches are mating with those pieces of filth. We should rule them, not breed with them!”

“Don’t talk like that!” shouted Godric. “We are no better or worse than Muggles, Muggleborns or Half-Bloods. We are equal. I talked about this with Rowena and Helga and they agree with me. They all deserve a chance of education.”

“So you plotted against me, eh,” sneered Salazar. “You are a sentimental fool, Gryffindor. You are ruining Hogwarts already. Polluting its magical grounds with dirty blood. No, I will not be a part of it anymore. You and those silly girls have made yourselves an enemy. You will pay for this. I was a fool for calling you a friend.”

“So was I, Salazar. Get out of my sight before I will hex you,” bellowed Godric, while he raised his wand. “Do not come back here ever again!”

“Big words for such a little man,” said Salazar, with an irritated hiss in his voice. “I will go now, but be prepared for your demise!”

“Relashio!” shouted Godric, but Salazar blocked his hex and Disapparated before Godric could fire another curse.

“What was that noise?” asked a soft woman’s voice.

“He is gone, Helga,” said Godric sadly. “Salazar is gone.”

“Well, that’s hardly a surprise, is it?” a second, cold voice said.

“No, it’s not, Rowena, but he was my friend,” said Godric, while looking at the two women. “We have to put extra protection spells on the castle. I expect he will seek help from the Dark Ones. He could become very dangerous.”

“We will be ready for him,” said Helga proudly.

“I hope so,” said Godric.

Hogsmeade, 990 A.D.,

“Come out, you cowards! Come out, or I will enter and destroy all the Half-Bloods.”

A dark-cloaked creature was standing before the gates of Hogwarts and was trying to provoke the founders of the school. His barking voice shook the walls.

“I, Salazar Slytherin, true master of Hogwarts, order you to come out. Where are the big speeches, Gryffindor? Lost your tongue? I will give you one minute. You and your whores will fight me! I am waiting!”

Godric Gryffindor was standing in the entrance hall of the castle, together with Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff, and they looked extremely worried but confident. Godric carried a large, shining sword with him. Helga and Rowena were looking at it with both admiration and detestation.

“We have to do what he says,” said Rowena with a pale face. “The safety of the students is all that matters. I ordered the Head Boy and Girl to evacuate all the students. They will use a secret door in the Ravenclaw common room, so we are free to fight Slytherin. Why did you bring a sword, Godric? It will not stand a chance against the Dark Magic of Slytherin.”

“This is no ordinary sword, Rowena,” said Godric, while looking at the shining blade. “It is a sword forged by Goblins, and is imbued with their ancient magic. I borrowed it from Ragnuk. Maybe it will help us.”

“You mean you have stolen it,” said Helga sharply. “I know Goblins do not share things. As if the relationship between wizards and Goblins could get any worse.”

“It is for the greater good, Helga,” bellowed Godric. “We must defeat Slytherin. That is all that matters!”

“You are probably right, but stealing is not the way to win a battle,” shouted Helga.

“I know. I will give Ragnuk the sword back. You have my word of honour,” said Godric proudly.

“And I will hold you to your word, Godric,” said Helga sharply.

“You are beginning to test my patience, Godric,” screamed Slytherin. “This is my final warning! Come out!”

“We are here,” said Godric. He and the two women surrounded the Dark Wizard on the lawn before the castle.

“I must say I am surprised, Godric. What has become of your much vaunted bravery?” Slytherin sneered.  “You bring women to fight your battles?”

“What have you done?” said Helga, shocked. “Your face…”

Slytherin took off his cloak, and his enemies looked at him with disgust and terror. His skin was as white as snow and covered with dark lumps. His eyes had become snakelike and as red as blood. His purple lips could not hide two large fangs.

“I do not care how I look,” said Slytherin, amused by the horrified looks. “I have seen real power, power beyond your pitiful imagination, Gryffindor! This force is pure, darker than dark. I have embraced its immortality and it is mine!”

Before Helga and Rowena could do anything, Slytherin snapped his fingers and they turned into stone, unable to move.

“It is not your underlings I want,” said Slytherin. “Just you! Avada Kedavra!”

Godric instinctively tried to block the Killing Curse with the sword. The ray of green light collided with it and the sword absorbed it.

“How is this possible?” said Slytherin shocked. “What kind of magic is this?”

“Magic you will never understand,” shouted Godric, and before Slytherin could react, he raised the sword and plunged through Slytherin’s chest, piercing his heart.

Slytherin looked at Godric for a while, as if unable to understand what had just happened. Blood gushed from the wound the sword had made, and finally he fell to the ground.

“Y-you h-have not won…” mumbled Slytherin, before he closed his eyes.

“Goodbye, old friend,” said Godric sadly. “I hope you can find the peace which you could never have in this life.”

He walked away from the body, and with a flick of his wand he removed the Stoning Hex from the two women.

“Where is he?” shouted Helga furiously.

“He is dead! I have killed him,” said Godric.

“You had no choice,” said Rowena kindly. “He would have killed us all.”

“I know you are right!” snapped Godric, with a harsh expression on his face. “We must bury his body. What has happened here remains between us.”

“What do we tell the students?” said Helga uncertainly, while looking at Godric’s pale face.

“That he ran away and promised he will not return again,” said Godric darkly. “Come, we have a school to run.”

Helga and Rowena looked worriedly at the man whose kindness had changed into bitterness. They knew the school’s future hung by thin thread.


More than 1000 years later, a young man with black, untidy hair woke up screaming.

“A bad dream, Harry?” said a man with red hair and a lot of freckles, who was lying next to him.

“Yeah, I guess,” said Harry. He still saw the image of a dark, cloaked creature, which had been killed with a familiar looking sword…

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