Title: Of Two Worlds
Author/Artist: ???
Rating: PG-13 for brief mention of violence
Characters: Andromeda, Narcissa, Ted Tonks
Summary: Andromeda explains her justifications for marrying Ted Tonks, and how it came to be that Narcissa showed up on her doorstep the day before the wedding.
pansydarkbloom ---
Of Two Worlds )
Comments 3
Andromeda's belated realization that she loved her previous life in all its pretensions is both realistic and sad, and I think you've done a great job of showing a possibility I haven't seen explored much in fic, the possibility of whether she ever had regrets. And the contrast between the blue-collar Muggle world and Narcissa is very deftly done.
Ow, this story is so resonant with pain, even if it isn't all on the surface. I especially love the description of Narcissa at the end, "sharp like a diamond, cutting against my veins" and the way you extend the metaphor of blue blood. And the last sentence is full of fabulous wordsmithery - really excellent!
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