underlucius came up with the idea for a quotations challenge. Only...well, she was kind of busy, and didn't have time to look up the quotes. So I looked up a whole slew of quotes, and sent them to her to see what she thought. She approved them.
Then she said that I should post the challenge, since I had done all the work on it.
So, after getting her assurance that this is okay with the other two mods, and after getting her approval of the rules and the deadline, here it is.
Quotations Roulette
I have a list of a hundred quotes to be used as story prompts.
If you want to try this challenge, post in the comments with a number from 1 to 100, inclusive.
I'll post the corresponding quote in reply to your comment.
You have up till and including June 30th to post the story based on this prompt at
hp_literotica. NOTE: You may have a quote whether you are a member of
hp_literotica or not. However, as this is a closed comm with invite-only membership, you should be aware that only members can post here.
The numbers that have been picked will be listed in this post. Please check the comments, as well as the list, so that the same number doesn't get chosen twice.
The quotations that aren't used in this round will be used in a future round of Quotations Roulette.
Oh, and since
underlucius and I each have the list of quotes, she and I are picking numbers for each other.
underlucius, this is yours:
65. I dote on his very absence. --William Shakespeare
1 --
xellas2 --
3 --
allcanadiangirl4 --
dea_liberty5 --
good_conduct6 --
ajuxliapose7 --
txilar8 --
thysanotus9 --
thistlerose10 --
11 --
scela_letifer12 --
13 --
scythia14 --
anathdemalfoy15 --
16 --
17 --
bandonbanshee18 --
cloudofcalm19 --
alittlewhisper20 --
21 --
syrenslure22 --
prongsphile23 --
sasha_davidovna24 --
25 --
26 --
27 --
silentfire28 --
29 --
30 --
31 --
emeraldserpent32 --
33 --
thetreacletart34 --
35 --
36 --
37 --
peppery_lime38 --
39 --
40 --
troubleinchina41 --
calixta942 --
eumenides143 --
44 --
sunshiny_hilani45 --
46 --
47 --
48 --
cravache49 --
50 --
51 --
52 --
gehayi53 --
54 --
55 --
56 --
bloodrebel33357 --
spessartine58 --
59 --
60 --
61 --
62 --
63 --
64 --
65 --
underlucius66 --
67 --
68 --
petulantgod69 --
jezzabe70 --
71 --
72 --
73 --
selene_rain74 --
fleshdress75 --
musesfool76 --
77 --
78 --
79 --
80 --
81 --
manraviel82 --
83 --
84 --
hansbekhart85 --
86 --
87 --
88 --
starrysummer89 --
90 --
91 --
jateshi92 --
93 --
94 --
95 --
96 --
97 --
98 --
99 --
setissma100 --