New Member - rosesanguina

Apr 11, 2005 22:46

themostepotente put this writer forward and I agree with her and petulantgod that her writing - when she really lets rip with the language, is sumptous, a veritable feast.

I haven't had time to trawl back through her back catalogue and I apologise for that - RL has been sucky (as in sucking the hours from my day) but THIS FIC "Only This" (Draco/Blaise/Pansy) R, caught my attention and I invited her on the spot. As I said to her in my comments, normally I wouldn't read a Het threesome, but the language in this is so beautiful that it could be Filch/Firenze/Dobby and I wouldn't care.

That's NOT a challenge, by the way. Anyone who writes that will have a job getting it moderated. *sporks*

I digress.

Here's a couple of snippets to whet your mind juices. The story is a feast for the senses, from hibiscus to bromeiliads to pomegrantes.

Her breasts are cool against his chest, nipples dark and taut against the smooth white perfection of her skin, and he dips his head to taste -- berry-sweet in English cream, he thinks, just like home, but home is long gone, long left behind and all but forgotten


Blaise growls, honey-rough deep in his throat, and Draco chuckles and pulls back, licking apologetically at Pansy's lower lip.

I look forward to more! Welcome rosesanguina!

recommendations, new member

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