Welcome please,
dementedsiren - to whom I must apologise, because I invited her to join ages ago, when I beta-ed her Oliver/Ron/Harry piece for pornish pixies, but didn't follow up on it.
However, she's here now. and here's why!
A bit of madness (NC-17) Harry/Oliver - Ron
Harry liked pain. He liked burns and bites and slaps and bruises. And he liked whoever made them to kiss them away once they were done. Ron had kissed and kissed and kissed, and when the marks were gone and Harry had fallen back asleep, Ron still saw black and blue and red behind his eyelids. He still does.
from "A Valentine's in Azkaban (a comment fic she wrote for me) Lucius
The guards had come, throwing rotten flowers into his cell with bitter laughs and curses - some metaphorical, some not, as his sore body would attest later that day. They stunk of love not his own.
so welcome
dementesiren, hope you get bunnied for the challenges!