FIC: A Short, Sharp Shock, Moody/Lucius, chan, NC-17

Jan 05, 2005 03:18

Since the merry_smutmas authors have now been revealed, I'm happy to say that I can now post this here! Thank you, underlucius, for inviting me to post it! :) It was written as a gift fic for atdelphi, and it was one I really enjoyed writing!

Love & Serpents' Kisses,

Title: A Short, Sharp Shock
Author: Anath de Malfoy
Pairing: Moody/Lucius
Summary: Auror Alastor Moody teaches an object lesson to a wayward young boy… PWP.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: M/M slash, chan (Lucius is 12), BDSM, dubious consent, sex toys, humiliation, probable AU
Word Count: 1,500
Possible Spoilers: Books 1-5
Disclaimer: All characters and profits belong to J.K Rowling. I made up the smutty bits herein.

A/N: As canon gives no indication as to when Moody sustained the injuries that cost him his leg and eye, for the sake of this story I am assuming that he has all his body parts at this time, but is already somewhat scarred.

It was not the bleak, cold courtroom at the Ministry of Magic, but the room’s stone walls and ominous flickering torches gave it the same atmosphere of foreboding and dread. Chained by wrists and ankles to a high-backed wooden chair, his luminous grey eyes wide with fear and his cherubic lips parted slightly as his breath came harsh and fast, the boy sat chilled and naked with only the distant flames of torch and candle to warm him. Platinum lashes blinked back tears as the child struggled to keep his posture proud and upright, with the dignity befitting a scion of an ancient pure-blooded wizarding line.

His delicate nipples rose to tiny peaks in the harsh night air, and he whimpered softly as the tormentor who had bound him thus loomed from the shadows to tower over him. Gnarled fingers carded smoothly through the young one’s silver-blond hair before winding it around a scarred hand and tugging it sharply to the side. Another weathered hand dangled an onyx and white gold pendant, a glistening chain bearing an intricately carved disc that depicted a sword-wielding angel battling a dragon, before the boy’s terrified face.

“A nasty piece of work, the Choking Hex you’ve put on this pretty little necklace, young Lucius Malfoy,” Alastor Moody growled in a voice that echoed through the stark chamber. “Just twelve years old, and already you’re dabbling in the Dark Arts. A word from me to Professor Dumbledore, and you could be expelled from Hogwarts. Or worse, dragged before the Wizengamot on a charge. They won’t be sending a boy of twelve to Azkaban, of course, but it’ll mean a hefty fine for your parents and the Malfoy family name being dragged through the mud. Your life will be ruined before it’s even begun… you’ll be lucky if you can find work as a Knockturn Alley whore when you’re a man.” Lucius trembled as the Auror slipped the pendant into his robe pocket and resumed stroking the boy’s silky hair.

“I’d hate to see that happen to you, Lucius. Such a bright young lad… and such a beauty, too.” Moody’s lecherous gaze moved slowly over the chained child, dark eyes gleaming with lust as he contemplated the lithe perfection of the young blond. “Just because you’re such a pretty little boy, and I consider your parents to be good friends of mine, I’m willing to propose an… alternative punishment, by my own hands. A short, sharp shock if you will, to deter you from such wickedness in future.” Lucius tensed and uttered a small cry as Moody’s hand wandered lower, the Auror bending down to caress the young one’s hardened nipples. “But you have to agree to it. Consent to letting me do whatever I want with you for the next hour or so…”

Lucius stiffened as the Auror’s fingers viciously pinched a nipple, and he almost sobbed at the pain. “Yes, oh, I’ll do anything you want if only you’ll let me go,” he whispered, with just a slight quaver in his voice. Moody smirked with satisfaction - despite the boy’s obvious fright, there was an unmistakably seductive note in his words. The merest flush tinged the child’s flawless pale skin, and despite himself, Lucius was becoming visibly aroused, his smooth young cock hardening between his slim thighs. Alastor Moody was so handsome in a rugged, sinister way, with his scarred face, flowing grizzled hair and muscular body filling out the severity of his dark Auror’s robes.

Moody leered as he slowly lifted his robes to his waist, exposing the length and thickness of his own erect, veined shaft. Lucius’ eyes dilated at the sight of it, his breath hitching as he realised how big it was.

“Your pretty mouth better be good for more than pretty words, boy,” Moody snarled, and gripped Lucius by his hair once more. Lucius whimpered, surrendering his soft mouth as Moody pulled his head towards that swollen prick. Sucking it as best he could, flickering his delicate tongue-tip across the dampened head, sliding his warm lips over it and taking it as far into his throat as he could without gagging. It was hard to do without using his hands, but he did his best to pleasure the Auror, and judging by Alastor’s guttural moans the boy was succeeding all too well.

Lucius found himself settling into a rhythm, his tongue swirling around Moody’s length, relishing the salty tang of its seeping tip. He was beginning to lose himself in the heady sensation of having Moody so responsive to him, and almost cried out in protest when Alastor roughly pulled away from him, releasing Lucius from his bonds with a flick of his wand.

“That’s not all I’ve got for you, laddie. Not by a long shot. This is supposed to be a punishment, you know,” the Auror growled, and hauled Lucius to his feet. Before he knew fully what was happening, Lucius found himself bent over some kind of bench, leather cuffs restraining his arms. He heard Moody moving about in the shadowed area of the nearest wall, and became aware that the old man was now standing behind him. Something made a swishing noise in the air, and landed with a menacing thud on the side of the bench.

Moody had brought out some sort of … whip.

“No… please don’t…” Lucius heard himself sobbing aloud, but to no avail. The vicious implement swung through the air and struck Lucius on the back of his thighs, leaving a welt that stung like a blade’s cut in its wake. A rattan cane, thin, swift and brutal. Lucius, who had never had so much as a hand spanking in his life, was in more pain than he thought he could bear each time the cane lashed down. It was agony, but as the cruel blows moved upward from his thighs onto his buttocks, Lucius found himself becoming aroused again. This was both heaven and hell, so strangely erotic, being so naked and exposed, bent over for each stroke of Moody’s cane. His body felt like it was on fire, unspeakable anguish merging with a primal lust, melting into a sensual bliss when Moody laid the cane aside and took up a jar of some exquisitely soothing potion or balm, smearing it over Lucius’ bleeding wounds.

“This will heal you a little, boy. I don’t want your blood all over me when I start ramming my prick up your hot little arse,” Moody sneered, running an exploring finger over the delicate pink flesh of the child’s ball sac and drawing it up to probe at his tiny puckered hole.

“Oh my, but you’re tight. Almost virginal, though you’ve probably had God knows what up there already, being a decadent Malfoy and all,” the Auror hissed. “I’ll have to stretch you a bit, open you up for my cock… some of this healing balm will get you nice and wet for me…”

Moody was slathering some of the viscous gel onto something, a long, wide and phallic-shaped something that was soon being pushed hard into Lucius’ arse. It hurt a little, but felt so good, stretching his tight ring of muscle and pressing lightly on his prostate, moving in a delicious friction that nearly had Lucius swooning. Lucius cooed and whimpered incoherently, lifting himself toward each lunge of the implement, and screaming Alastor’s name aloud when he felt the carved phallus removed and the Auror’s fleshly cock filling him instead. Lucius could only moan and sigh in delight, raising his hips for every thrust of Alastor’s huge prick, his own hardness twitching and aching as the Auror purred a stream of carnal words into his childish ear.

“Oh yes, boy. That’s it. Hot and tight, smooth as silk… such a sweet little arse. Yes, take it, slut… you’re a masochistic little whore, aren’t you? I can tell you like it rough… I’m going to come in you like this, taking you hard… making you scream like the filthy little Malfoy whore you are…”

And Alastor’s callused hand wrapped around Lucius’ prick and began to stroke it, sending the boy over the edge of rapture. The child screamed once, a loud and piercing shriek as he spilled himself over the Auror’s hand, Moody pouring his own seed into Lucius’ slick channel. Lucius found himself sobbing Moody’s name over and over, tears finally streaming as his lover freed him from his bondage and gathered him up in strong and loving arms, kissing the child tenderly and rocking him against comforting warmth.

It had been such fun, this game of Auror and captive they had played together. Lucius was such an adventurous boy for one so young, and Moody looked forward to inventing more exquisite torments for their next tryst.

Slipping a hand into his pocket, Moody withdrew the precious pendant - a harmless, unenchanted bauble after all - and clasped it around Lucius’ neck. A special gift, and a well-earned reward, for the Auror’s young beloved.

~ Fin.

lucius/moody, alastor moody, lucius, titles: m-z, anathdemalfoy

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