New Member - magnus_leo

Apr 22, 2006 17:17

Another talent found on hpslash/hp_slash!

I still don't read as much as a should, for a scout, but I do try and click on fics on this comm, as you all know, I've found lots of great writers there. I like the excellent story telling, coupled with lovely phrasing, hot sex, and a keen sense of English detail. I noticed the word "cinema" in one of the fics, which was a nice touch, and also some lovely description of Cornwall which did credit to the writer who is from Canada. He also writes a load of other fandoms, Huck Finn, The Bible, Narnia, McFly.. just to name a FEW!

Here's some of the fics and some snippets that I really liked from magnus_leo's fics (it's a fic-only LJ, RL LJ found at marseverlasting.

From Alchemy (Ron/Krum) NC17 a wonderfully hot and dirty (literally) quick impulse fuck.

Ron was a lesson in foreign ways. Krum was getting a feel for the odd backward rhythm of people on this humid isle; a litmus strip, a sexual initiation - testing, exploring, calculating. Krum was cold logic, limbs all filled with chemistry, alchemy, and Ron was iron changed.

From A Free World (Harry Draco) PG13
(a neat philosophical debate about what constitutes The Good and The Evil. it had the wrong ending for me, but then I loathe Mr Potter)

The Great War had been prophesised for centuries. An epic struggle between Good and Evil, virtue and vice, greatness and destruction; filled with dramatic duels, cunning ploys, and valour in the face of insurmountable odds. It was to be a Kingmaking war; clean, with a clear victor. It was to be a beautiful triumph, a tribute to justice and peace and honour, the final defeat of the Dark Lord - of Satan, of Darius, of Vlad, Napoleon, and Caligula.

It wasn’t.

From Seven Stories (1971-1978) (Various Marauder Pairings) NC17

Two boys and a summer’s day. The copper sun is blocked by hanging willow limbs; leafy things make shade under rough back. It is too warm to move, too warm to kiss, too warm to think. Billowing heat, like a hellwind; like a plague (symptoms: sweaty brows, palms, and lips); like a disease crawling, poisoning their minds with its sickly sweet warmth.

So, welcome magnus_leo! Have a look around and have fun!

new member, magnus_leo

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