Title: Dream
Author: Fae
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 388
Recipient: Lucky
Author's Note: Merry Christmas, Lucky! It's been so much fun writing for you. I hope you enjoy this. :D
It’s a spur-of-the-moment thing (fitting), inviting Luna to Christmas at the Burrow. But Ginny’s always found her fascinating, and she’s been moping around the library for the past month because her father wouldn’t let her come on an expedition to Antarctica to document the lives of Flesh-Melting Ice Lice. So when Ginny asks her, Luna accepts happily, with as much enthusiasm as one so dreamy could be expected to muster.
The time to leave arrives, and Luna almost dances down the dormitory stairs, grinning, cork necklace bouncing. It’s Christmas Eve Eve and she’s already excited.
“Oh, Ginevra. This is going to be an absolutely superlative Christmas. I’ve even got my recipe for Lockjaw Toffee so I can share it with your family.”
Luna calls her ‘Ginevra’ now. No one calls Ginny that. Luna thinks it’s a beautiful name that shouldn’t be wasted. Ginny sort of grunted at that, and flushed a little, but inside she was more pleased than she would’ve expected. (Ginny thinks ‘Luna’ is a beautiful name, too. It suits her: celestial. Not that she’d ever say this out loud.)
On the train home, Luna sits with a thick book, and Ginny stares, daydreaming, out the window. Every so often Luna turns the huge tome sideways and giggles a bit to herself. Ginny looks at her, and can’t help smiling.
Luna is welcomed with open arms by the Weasleys, as are Harry and the rest of the family (who travelled separately). Mr. Weasley seems to get along with her particularly well, and Ginny feels oddly proud to see the two of them sitting together, deep in conversation about the mysteries of the universe.
That night, Luna bunks with Ginny (quite willingly). The next morning, she wakes up and Luna’s snuggled up against her, blonde hair intertwined with red on the pillow. Ginny closes her eyes again, and relaxes into the embrace.
The next night is Christmas Eve. Ginny dreams of Luna, of the name ‘Ginevra’ on her lips, of herself gasping ‘Luna’ and the things they could be doing in her bed. In the morning, Luna wakes her with a soft kiss to the temple.
“Wake up, drowsy-head. It’s Christmas.”
Ginny looks at her for a minute, and returns the kiss, ever so gently. Neither girl seems surprised. Perhaps they had the same dream.
- Fae