Sort Me.

Dec 02, 2005 19:53


Real Name (or name you wish to be referred to): sapphiretragedy
LJ Username: sapphiretragedy
Age: 22
Living In: a lair ... wait no, I'm not Batman ... Detroit.


Are you applying for yourself or for a character you've created? Myself

If you are NOT applying for a character there is no need to fill in the following part:

Name of Character:
Heritage (pure-blood, half-blood, muggle-born):

Please answer the following questions, and assume there is an "and Why?" on the end of ALL of them:


You're just about to sorted into your first year at Hogwarts! What would be going through your mind?:

Please for the love of Merlin, do not let me end up in Hufflepuff. It's not that I don't respect the Hufflepuffs or recognize that they too have a very important place in the scheme of things, it's just that I am no Hufflepuff. I am not hard working at all -- if there is an easy way around a situation, I'm going to find it and use it to my full advantage. I hope there will be one person in my house who I can talk to. I hope that they're in my year. And I hope they aren't stupid.

Professor McGonnagall shows you towards the stool and places the hat upon your head - it takes a moment to think before shouting out your House. How do you react? How do the students of your sorted house react?

Let it take its time. I want to make sure I'm put in the house that's right for me, I don't want that hat to make any hasty decisions that could end up causing me a lot of harm in the long run. The hat has been sorting people for generations I'm just another brain for it to pick, an interesting brain, but still just one of the many that get to sit underneath it.

The students that are now my housemates are going to be bloody ecstatic that I'm in their house because it's another student to share in the camaraderie.

Sitting at the dinner table with fellow students around you, what kind of people would you want to talk to first? The busy ones, or the very quiet ones? Who would interest you? Who would you observe?

First of all, I probably wouldn't really talk to anyone. I'm sort of a loner. I like to watch people. I would spend most of my time sitting at the table watching how other people interact with each other before I jump in. It's best to gauge other people's reactions first before you have any interaction with them so you know what buttons to push to get what you need/want accomplished, or what not to do, whatever the case may be.

Imagine you're sat at your dormitory window on your first night: the others are asleep in their beds. What's going through your mind?

That my roommates snoring are loud and really annoying and the reason why I'm awake is because they aren't polite enough to quit snoring. I'm also thinking of all the work I'll have to do to be the best and all the shortcuts I can take in doing said work because really I need lots of time to do nothing.


Who is your favourite character in HP?:

Severus Snape is my favorite character (and not just the sex machine fanon version, but I do like him, too ;) ) I like Snape because he's the deepest character in the series. He's so mysterious and no matter what you can't really be sure of him or what his motives are. He is always the one to teach the students of Hogwarts about the hard parts of life and that the real world is not as wonderful at Hogwarts. His hardness makes the students appreciate the shelter of Hogwarts.

Who is your LEAST favourite character in HP?
This changes so frequently for me. At the moment, I'd have to say Sirius Black is my least favorite character in the series. To me he shows the most emotionally stilted character in the series. He spent time in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit and when he came out he seemed to me like he was the same person he was when he went in. Now I realize he was living in a vacuum of time and space and that the world changed around him while he was stuck in one place, but for the love of Circe, Harry is not James. He seems to want to make Harry into the pranksters he and James were. It would have been all fine and good if Harry didn't have this little thing called DESTINY that he needs to fulfill. Also, Sirius was not good for Harry's development as a character because he was a hypocrite. He was a more of a do as I say not as I do type of role model and Harry he enough of that growing up. He needed Sirius to be an adult and not his friend.

What occupation interests you / what would you most like to do in the HP books?:

I would be a Potions master. Not necessarily teaching but working with potions. I like to research and there seems to be a lot of research involved in the potions. It's a process that takes time and most importantly can be done alone. It would be an intellectual challenge as well as an exercise in patience and concentration. It also seems like it is the most difficult job because it requires the most focus and concentration of any other job we've seen. I want to be the best at the most difficult thing so that is what I would want to do.

To you, what is the most important message in the Harry Potter books?:

The most important message for me in the Harry Potter books is just because something is right doesn't mean it's the easy thing to do. Sometimes people have to do things they don't want to do in order to get where the want to be. It is a great life's lesson for people of all ages to remember.

If you were told you had to kill off someone in the HP books, who would it be? (please don't answer Voldemort, we'd all like to see the back of him):
I would kill Ginny Weasley. I would kill her because she is bloody annoying and serves no purpose at all. She is the ultimate Mary Sue. This has nothing to do with the Harry/Ginny relationship either. Ginny's character is so underdeveloped that she could literally vanish from the page and I wouldn't even notice.

How would YOU finish the HP series in book 7?:

Voldemort would win. (You can pick your jaw back up now. Really, I'm not evil. I do have a good reason for wanting this, you'll see. Just read on.) I would have Voldemort win because it's totally and completely unexpected; it would turn the formulaic fantasy novel on its head and it would make the series even more interesting. Plus it would teach kids that just because something is right doesn't mean it wins - it would certainly highlight the fact that sometimes justice doesn't always work.

If you were chosen to carry on the HP series by JK Rowling and to carry on the adventures, would you or wouldn't you and why?

I would carry on the series if I were chosen because there is so much that could be done with the series. The characters are interesting and so many more characters could be created to explore the wonderful world that JKR has created. The world she created is so rich and has so much possibility.

If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, how would you continue the series, what stories?

I would explore the darker side of the series. I'm really interested in how Voldemort operates and how things work on that end. I would probably retell the story from the point of view of those on the other team. I think that there are a lot of interesting nuances available there. Each side thinks that it is right so it would be insightful to explore.

Or if Harry lived and became evil, because that is how I would end the series, I would spend a lot of time focusing on how Harry embraces his evilness and works to create the very society he worked so hard to destroy. Although, since Harry wouldn't be a sociopath it would be worked out a bit differently. Harry would however be insane because insane is fun to write.


If you were a jewel you'd be:

I would be a sapphire because I think they're beautiful. They are also blue. It is also an inconspicuous stone. It's fairly common and doesn't get a lot of attention. It makes it easier to blend in and just exist without people wanting to inspect you every five seconds. It's a beautiful stone yet at the same time it blends in and is only noticed occasionally, usually when it's shown.

If you were an animagus you'd be:
I'd be a cat. I am independent but know how to get what I need/want from the people around me. I don't necessarily need people but when I want something I can use my relationships to my full advantage. Not that I exploit people, it's really all about charm.

If you were an emotion you'd be:

Pensive. My brain never stops working. I always feel the need to dissect and re-dissect situations. It is important for me to be able to see all sides of something and be a step ahead of the game. I play to win. I always try to think of things via what if scenarios and have as many possible outcomes planned out and prepared for as necessary.

If you were a weapon you'd be:

A dagger. On it's own it is innocuous and harmless. It requires force to become deadly. It requires strength of will to use a dagger to hurt someone. It is also a weapon that can be used to harm but not kill. It takes exacting skill to wield a dagger and not harm. Also it is a silent weapon. Only after it's used would the effects be felt. There is generally no warning.

If you were a tool you'd be:

I would be a pen (or quill if we're going wizard style here). The written word is a wonderful tool to call people into action and in order to get the written word out there one needs to write. The pen can immortalize ideas and get social movements rolling. It's a strong tool.

If you were a spell you'd be:

If I were a spell I would be the Disillusionment charm. I am not really noticed until I want to be noticed. I sit and watch people before I interact with them and go out of my way to blend in most times. I only want attention when I draw it to myself. It's easier to get information when people don't know you're looking for it.

If you were a good quality in a person, you'd be:

Generosity. I would be generosity because it is important to do things for others and share what you have -- of course this has limits. It is essential to be generous in order to get things in return even if it is only on a karmic level. Generosity also helps to tip the balance; whether or not you ask for something in return people are going to feel obligated to you for you generosity because generosity only leads to more generosity and that breeds connections and helps cultivate relationships.

If you were a bad quality, you'd be:
Sarcasm. I am sarcastic about things when I get irritated. It is easier to be cutting thorough sarcasm and to make a point when it is not entirely serious in nature.

If you were someone / something in Hogwarts you'd be:

If I were something in Hogwarts I would be the Mirror or Erised.
I am good at getting people to see what it is they want. I am able to help people stop and really look at themselves and admit the truth about themselves. I also know how to use the desire to keep people close to me because I can show them what they want and sometimes help them get it.

If you were anywhere on earth, you'd be:

I would be in a room locked away with my laptop, an endless supply of food, easy access to a bathroom, and my Muse chained to a chair feeding me best selling novels. I wouldn't leave until I wrote something I was proud of.

If you were anyTHING on earth or in your life, you'd be:
A mirror. I like for people to see themselves in me and be able to connect with me on some level. It is easier to get to know a person if they can see themselves in you. It gives you common ground to stand on. Plus when people are in front of a mirror, they let their guard down and really look at themselves. The mirror is the place where people reveal and examine their flaws and that is pretty useful information.

If you had to choose:

The Order or the Death Eaters?

I would have to say the Order because there seems to be more freedom when that side has control. There is more chance and opportunity for a person to do the things s/he wants to do without getting into a lot of trouble for it. Plus the more freedom I have the happier I am. It has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong because that is totally subjective; it has to do with what would be best for me in the long run.

Snape or Malfoy?
Snape. I would choose Snape because he's got snark and smarts and those are two important qualities for getting anywhere in the world. Plus, he's a guy who understands that life isn't always going to go your way and sometimes you've got to do a lot of stuff that sucks in order to get where you want to be.

Luna or Ginny?
Luna. I would choose Luna because she's quirky and fun and has knowledge of a different sort. She's not just book smart, she's world smart. She sees the world through a different lense - in fact many different lenses. She also has faith in things where most people don't and that is valuable because sometimes in order to make things happen all you need to do is believe.
Crucio or Avada Kedavra?
Crucio because sometimes death is just too good for a person. With Cruciatus you can repeat the pain over and over again. With Avada Kedavra, its just quick and painless -- doesn't even leave a mark. And yeah, a person ends up dead - but what can they learn from being dead? Death is too final. I would use the Cruciatus over the Avada Kedavra unless my life was in imminent danger.
Harry dying or Harry living in book 7?
Harry living, but ending up evil. It would make it interesting, plus then there is room to write more later. Not that JKR would ever do it, but a girl can dream can't she?
Voldemort dead (Closed ending) or Voldemort not-quite-dead-but-people-think-he is (Open ending)?:

An open ending would be better because then there is always room for more possibility. Things in life rarely tie up nice and neat so I don't think that the story should either.

Any last words?

I think I've said enough.

Thank you for filling in this application! let the sorting begin!
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